Terror in CHT


Bengali Settlers
Armed Resistance
Religious Persecution
Rapes & Abductions
Jumma Refugees
CHT Treaty
Foreign Aid
Longadu Victims
On 17 February 2011; Border Guards of Bangladesh and Muslim settlers attacked the indigenous Buddhist people at Longadu leaving at least 2 indigenous people seriously injured. The aim of the attack was to drive out the indigenous Chakma Buddhists and grab their land. A Chakma couple pick up the pieces after the house was burnt down by the settlers.

Bangladesh army torture indigenous Chakma Buddhists in Baghaichari

On 22 Feb 1995, Bangladesh army from Sijak Mukh, Sarboatali and Khirachar camps in Baghaichari attacked 2 indigenous Chakma houses in Pajim Gram village in Baghaichari, Rangamati. Bangladesh army searched the houses and tortured following indigenous people without any reason:

  1. Mr. Sindhu Kumar Chakma, son of the late Dabana Chakma
  2. Mr. Amin Chakma, son of Mr. Chandra Kumar Chakma
  3. Mr. Ran Citra Chakma, son of the late Ananta Chakma
  4. Mr. Joysen Chakma, son of the late Dabana Chakma
  5. Mr. Pritimoy Chakma, son of Mr. Milibap Chakma

India was partitioned on the basis of religion in 1947. 98.5% of the CHT population was non-Muslim during the partition. The indigenous people of CHT opted to join either India or Burma. But Muslim League conspired with the Boundary Commission and illegally annexed CHT with East Pakistan in violation of the principle of partition. Successive Bangladesh governments have been sponsoring Muslim settlers from plain land to dilute the indigenous people of CHT.

Bangladesh army's role in CHT is to protect the Muslim settlers and carry out massacre, land grab, rape, religious persecution and ethnic cleansing against indigenous Buddhist, Hindu and Animist people in CHT.

Bangladesh army restricts access to Chittagong Hill Tracts to foreign media and tourists. According to IWGIA, Bangladesh army and DGFI train and harbour Islamic extremists in CHT to launch terrorist attack against Myanmar.



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