Terror in CHT

Bengali Settlers
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CHT Treaty
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Ramgarh Buddha
On 17 April 2011 Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked 5 indigenous Buddhist villages in Ramgarh and 2 indigenous villages in Manikchari in Chittagong Hill Tracts. In this attack around 200 indigenous houses including 2 Buddhist temples were torched. At least 20 indigenous people were injured and at least half dozen indigenous people were missing. Muslim settlers damaged and desecrated the Buddha image.

Bangladesh army tortures indigenous Chakma Buddhists in Naniachar

On 18 August 1989, Bangladesh army personnel from Bogachari camp on pretext of searching for the Shanti Bahini raided the indigenous Buddhist village Suridas Para in Naniachar, Rangamati district. During the raid, Bangladesh army beat and tortured following indigenous Chakma Buddhists:

  1. Mr. Bijoy Chakma, 25 yrs, son of Mr. Barpeda Chakma, of Suridas Para, Naniachar. BD Army arrested and took him to the Bogachari army camp where he was tortured. BD Army released him on 19 August, 1989.
  2. Mr. Pasanda Kumar Chakma, 19 yrs, son of Mr. Sadan Kishta Chakma, address as above.
  3. Mr. Janjalya Chakma, 18 yrs, son of Mr. Chiey Ranjan Chakma, address as above.
  4. Miss Chagan Chogi Chakma, 22 yrs, daughter of Mr. Sonaram Chakma, address as above.
  5. Miss Chandari Chakma, 18 yrs, daughter of Mr. Nishi Kumar Chakma, address as above.
  6. Mr. Shanti Kumar Chakma, 35 yrs, son of Mr. Sadan Kishta Chakma, address as above.


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