Terror in CHT

Bengali Settlers
Armed Resistance
Religious Persecution
Rapes & Abductions
Jumma Refugees
CHT Treaty
Foreign Aid
Ramgarh Buddhas
On 17 April 2011 Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked 5 indigenous Buddhist villages in Ramgarh and 2 indigenous villages in Manikchari in Chittagong Hill Tracts. In this attack around 200 indigenous houses including 2 Buddhist temples were torched. At least 20 indigenous people were injured and at least half dozen indigenous people were missing. Muslim settlers damaged and desecrated the Buddha images.

Bangladesh army torture an indigenous Chakma Buddhist in Mohalchari

On 17 Oct. 1986, Bangladesh army of 32 EBR from the army camp at Mohalchari led by Capt. M.A. Helal subgected an indigenous Chakma Buddhist to inhuman torture.

The victim is a owner of a tea shop. The incident occured when Bangladesh army personpel were approaching the tea shop. Some indigenous people were drinking tea at the shop. Due to panic they ran for their lives because of the reign of terror created by Bangladesh army. Bangladesh army instantly accused the tea stall owner of offering tea to the Shanti Bahini members who fled with the arrival of the soldiers.

Bangladesh army brutally whipped him, sprinkled hot water on him end poured wster mixed with chillies into his nose end mouth. The victim is:

  1. Mr. Samiran Chakma (27), son of Mr. Dino Chandra Chakma of Monatek, Mohalchari.

India was partitioned on the basis of religion in 1947. 98.5% of the CHT population was non-Muslim during the partition. The indigenous people of CHT opted to join either India or Burma. But Muslim League conspired with the Boundary Commission and illegally annexed CHT with East Pakistan in violation of the principle of partition. Successive Bangladesh governments have been sponsoring Muslim settlers from plain land to dilute the indigenous people of CHT.

Bangladesh army's role in CHT is to protect the Muslim settlers and carry out massacre, extra-judicial killing, torture, detention withou trial, land grab, rape, religious persecution and ethnic cleansing against indigenous Buddhist, Hindu and Animist people in CHT.


PCJSS (Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti)

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