Terror in CHT

Bengali Settlers
Armed Resistance
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CHT Treaty
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Baghaihat Monk
On 19-20 February 2010; Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked the indigenous Buddhist people at Baghaichari. The settlers destroyed many indigenous houses and Buddhist temples. The aim of the attack was to drive out the indigenous Chakma Buddhists and grab their land. A Buddhist monk surveys his gutted temple.

Bangladesh army torture indigenous Chakma Buddhists in Longadu

On 18 January 1985, Bangladesh army of 26th Bengal Regiment from Bhaibon Chara army camp in Longadu led by Captain Khaleque raided Deno Longadu in Rangamati district. During the raid Bangladesh army tortured many indigenous Chakma Buddhists. The victims are:

  1. Mr. Sishir Kumar Chakma (45), son of Mr. Bhadra Sen Chakma. Bangladesh army severely caned him without any reason. Bangladesh army asked him whether he had a young daughter, and stopped beating when he said 'yes'. Then he was asked to call his daughter. When she appeared, they asked her name and invited her and her father to visit the camp.
  2. Mr. Seiya Chakma (60), son of Mr. Bhadra Sen Chakma. Bangladesh army asked him how many female members his family had. When they were told that he had a 16 years old grand daughter, they ordered him to bring her. In the meantime, the other armymen caught her on the river bank when she went to fetch water and raped her until she became unconscious.
  3. Mr. Dhira Mohan Chakma (50), son of Mr. Jube Dhar Chakma. Bangladesh army asked him to pick up ripe papayas from the trees, and beat him with a gun stock because he needed time to fetch a long bamboo pole with which to pick up the papayas. They wanted him to obey their order immediately.
  4. Mr. Dokhina Kanta Chakma. He was going to a neighbouring village to attend an invitation. On the way the army men caught him, suspected him of carrying information to the Shanti Bahini, and manhandled him injuring his forehead.
  5. Mr. Jyana Ranjan Chakma (50), son of Mr. Bhadra Sen Chakma. He was going to plough his farm land. The army people suspected him of passing information to the Shanti Bahini, beat him, and severely tortured him.
  6. Mr. Bira Kumar Chakma (41), son of Mr. Bhadra Sen Chakma. He was carrying food for the priests of the Buddhist temple at 9 a.m. The army men suspected him of carrying food for the Shanti Bahini, severely beat him and broke his right arm by twisting it.


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