Terror in CHT

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Baghaihat victim
On 19-20 February 2010; Bangladesh army backed Muslim settlers attacked the indigenous people at Baghaichari leaving an indigenous man dead. The aim of the attack was to drive out the indigenous Chakma Buddhists and grab their land. The indigenous Buddhist man gunned down by the Bangladesh army.

Bangladesh army terrorize indigenous Chakma Buddhists in Zurochari

On 19 October l984, Bangladesh army of 305th Brigade launched a military operation against indigenous people of Gabachari, Barkalak, Hotyalchara, Harinhat, Mongchari and Bamo Subolong in Zurochari in order to seize the region for the Muslim settlers. Properties were robbed, houses were burned down, villagers were evicted, tortured and killed. The entire area had been depopulated. The uprooted indigenous people have taken refuge in Mizoram State of India and the neighbouring forests. Many of them died of starvation. The victims are:

  1. Mr. Ramani Mohan Chakma (35). Bangladesh army severely beat him with rifle butts and burned down his house destroying 15 quintals of paddy and 80 kilograms of rice.
  2. Mr. Kalamorot Chakma (41), Bangladesh army robbed 22 quintals of paddy and 60 kilograms of rice, severely beat him and set his house ablaze.
  3. Mr. Sonadhan Chakma (49), Bangladesh army burned down his house destroying 20 quintals of paddy and 60 kilograms of rice.
  4. Mr. Biswamitra Chakma (44), Bangladesh army set his house on fire burning 14 quintals of paddy and 80 kilograms of rice.
  5. Mr. Pritimoy Chakma (38), Bangladesh army burnt down his house destroying 20 quintals of paddy and 60 kilograms of rice.
  6. Mr. Anil Kumar Chakma (52), Bangladesh army robbed 30 quintals of paddy, 2 and 1/2 quintals of rice and set his house on fire.
  7. Mr. Angara Chakma (45), Bangladesh army set fire his house burning 15 quintals of paddy and 60 kilograms of rice, and threatened him with death if he would not leave the village.
  8. Mr. Diyembar Chakma (49), Bangladesh army burnt down his house destroying 10 quintals of paddy and 60 kilograms of rice.
  9. Mr. Jhogor Chakma (50), a member of the Union Council. Bangladesh army beat all members of his family, burnt down his house destroying 30 quintals of paddy, and asked his family to leave the village immediately.
  10. Mr. Dina Kumar Chakma (47), Bangladesh army set his house ablaze burning 40 quintals of paddy.
  11. Mr. Mona Chakma (43), Bangladesh army set his house alight burning 35 quintals of paddy.
  12. Mr. Kandra Singh Chakma (55), Bangladesh army burned his house destroying 25 quintals of paddy, arrested his young son and took him to the army camp.
  13. Mr. Gyana Ratan Chakma (48), Bangladesh army set his house on fire, and shot his 14 year old daughter to dead.
  14. Mr. Bijinta Chakma (41), Bangladesh army burned down his house destroying 10 quintals of paddy and wounded him with bayonet charges.
  15. Mr. Sureshya Chakma (56), Bangladesh army set his house alight burning 40 quintals of paddy and asked him to leave the village immediately.
  16. Mr. Karna Chakma (37), Bangladesh army stole all fowls and ducks from his paultry and burned down his house destroying 10 quintals of paddy.
  17. Mr. Prabhat Chandra Chakma (44), Bangladesh army robbed all family belongings and set the house on fire burning 30 quintals of paddy.
  18. Mr. Mera Chakma (35), Bangladesh army threw out 5 quintals of paddy in the lawn and burned the house.
  19. Mr. Momojoy Chakma (46) of Barkalak in Zurochari. The invaders robbed 30 quintals of paddy, beat all members of his family and set his house ablaze.
  20. Mr. Deba Sadhan Chakma (50) of Bamo Subolong. The invaders burned the house destroying 25 qulptals of paddy and shot dead one of his sons. He had to leave the village.
  21. Mr. Laxman Chakma (37) of Bamo Suholong in Zurochari. The invaders robbed 20 quintals of paddy and set his house on fire.
  22. Mr. Ekanya Chakma (42) of Hotyalchara in Zurochari. The invaders robbed 20 quintals of paddy and burnt the house.
  23. Mr. Sukhomoni Chakma (49) of Hotyalchara, Zurochari. The invaders robbed 27 quintals of paddy and burned the house.
  24. Mr. Subholakhan Chakma (56) of Harinhat Para, Zurochari. The invaders robbed 30 quintals of paddy and set his house on fire.
  25. Mr. Nanda Lal Chakma (51) of Harinhat Para. Bangladesh army stole 35 quintals of paddy and burned down his house.
  26. Mr. Protimoy Chakma (34) of Mongchari. Bangladesh army robbed 13 quintals of paddy and set his house on fire.
  27. Mr. Lalmoni Chakma (30) of Mongchari. Bangladesh army robbed 11 quintals of paddy and set his house on fire.


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