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Embedded Systems Journal- Online
Free 68K Development Tools
C Users Journal
Webteacher - JavaScript Tutorial
Cut-N-Paste Javascript
Dev Central Tutorials
UML Resources
UML Notation Guide
UML News - Object News
Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It.
Software Development - Focus on UML
Unified Modeling Language For Real-Time Systems Design
UML Notation Guide
UML Semantics
Object Orientation Faq
Jim's Java and OO Page - Useful OO Case Studies
Dr. Dobb's Web Site
JavaScript Source
Java Applet Resource
Java programming and script tutorials at
Java Language Specification - Second Edition
Writing a Java Program with Native Methods
Tom Yarker - Java 1.1 Source Code
The Java Tutorial - A Practical Guide
C++ Coding Standard
Sun Press Release - Java For DVB
Seminar on Digital TV API
The K virtual machine (KVM) White Paper
GNU Make Documentation
Code Guru - MFC source
Wotsits Format
Diab Data
Imatix - Web server
DSP Guru - Resource site
Example of a class diagram
A UML Tutorial
DIA - UML Drawing Package for Linux
Programming in C++, Rules and Recommendations
Real Time Encyclopeidia
DSP C Code
Discrete Fast Fourier Transforms - Source
Filter Design Software
Analog Devices Underground DSP Support Page
The Art Of Assembly Langauge
C2C C compiler for PIC16C5X
Massey University Computer Science
The Linux Kernal
C++ FAQ Lite
comp.lang.c FAQ
ADSP2181 Code
Enea Data(OSE)
µC/OS and µC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel
Online IEEE-754 Floating-Point Conversion
GNU Website
DJGPP - GNU C++ Compiler
GNU C++ String class header
Examples from JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
Peter Anderson's PIC Page
Dontronic's download dungeon
Paper on Software Based Memory Tests
Netscape's Online JavaScript Reference
8051 Goodies
Software Development Systems (SingleStep)
Gimpel (PC Lint)
Java information/source
Free Visual Basic Resources
VB Zone
Visual Basic Tips
VBnet, The Visual Basic Developers Resource Centre
Rationale for the Embedded C++ specification Development
Netrino Employee Publications (C,FPGA etc..)
Greymatter Software
PIC Loader
Micro Processor Instruction Set Cards
The New Minda Page (Java, Freeware, Scripts...)
Java Pong (with source).
Real's How To - Java, JavaScript, PowerBuilder.
Hacker's files.
Motorola S-Record Description
Objective Real-Time Software, on the ADSP 21XX
ADSP21XX Tool Kit - Known Problems etc.
Developer City: Free Programming Resources
The Bare Bones Guide To HTML
Ethernet MAC Source Address Assignment
Ethernet LAN Short Description
Jack Klein's Personal Web Site
RTOS Buyer Guide
EG3 - RTOS Papers and Books
The Great CRC Mystery
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) - C Source Code
SDCC - Freeware, Optimizing C_Compiler (8051)
CREEM - Concurrent Realtime Embedded Executive for Microcontrollers
Programmers Heaven
Big T's C/C++ Resource Center
The Programming Sharehouse: Tutorials, Source, Links...
LoneWolf's Software Page
Objective Software: Links, Downloads, Jokes..
Codecorner - Free C++ Builder Components
JG's Delphi VCL Components
Borland Hall Of Fame
Bjarne Stroustrup's Homepage
W3C HTML Validation Service
Freecode - Free sourcecode
Linux Information
Symantec Antivirus Research Center
The DirectX Experience - Articles on DirectX
Intel: Embedded PC operating systems
World Of Games - Free C++ Source for various games.
Linux Docs - Simple Make File
Jack Ganssle - Author of The Art Of Designing Embedded Systems
The Ancient Art Of Dos Batch Files
MinGW FAQ (Minimalist Gnu-Win32 project
Planet Source Code
C Programmer's Notebook - Compliation Of Tips
The C Standard Library
The ANSI C Standard Summary
Planet Source Code - Free source for VB, C, C++, ASP...
Unraveling Strings in Visual C++
Mike Blaszczak's MFC Sample Programs - Win32 Programming Resource
MSDN Library - Win32 API
Frequency Asked Questions for COMP.LANG.C++
Experiences Converting a C++ Communication Software Framework to Java
DevEdge Online - Sun's documentation on various technologies - Berkeley Socket API
Windows Socket 1.1 Specification
Dr. GUI and COM Automation, Part 3: More on COM's Fabulous Data Types
Reliable Software - C++ Windows Tutorials, VCS
InfoSec Program - CS555 Lecture Notes - Software Design & Development
State-Transition Diagram (Yourdon) Notes
The Functional Model - Including Info on Data Flow Diagrams
Circle Drawing Algorithms

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