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Welcome to Chupamania! We are your online Goatsucker info source...and don't worry. We keep the Goatsucker locked up in a steel cage inside a padlocked room at the bottom of a basement filled with cement. So feel free to browse around the site with impunity! Still don't know what el Chupacabra is? Don't worry. Most slack-jawed yokels still don't. Not that you are one...anyhoo, you can find out what el Chupacabra is here.

If you already know what el Chupacabra is or just don't care to stop at the above link, you can visit the other parts of the site, such as our Goatsucker photo gallery. We also have a large selection of links to not only other Goatsucker pages, but to sites that helped me build Chupamania, other cryptozoology sites, and various paranormal web pages. Want to make a statement concerning el Chupacabra's origins? Stop by our Quizlet page! The guestbook is kept on our feedback page, so you'll have to stop there to sign it. Keep in mind that only Chupamania provides 100% or your daily recommended allowance of Goatsucker, compared to the 4 to 10 percent provided by lesser pages!

Questions? Comments? E-mail me!
Up and running since 25 de Abril, 1999!
Last update: 15 de Augosto, 1999