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> Sweet Stuff's Gumdrops

Sweet Stuff's Polls!

...a poll...
How old are you?

Current Results

...\'nother poll...
How many ponies do you have?

Current Results
Sweet Stuff's Poll
What part of my page do you like best?

Mane page
Trade page
Wish list
Shrine to Bedtime Newborns
Rio's Cookie Bucket
Shrine to Sweet Stuff

Current Results

Sweet Stuff\'s Poll
Who is your favorite rainbow pony?

Current Results

With bless'ed love and guiding spirits,
As ever,
~*Sweet Stuff

**Under construction!! Will be up and running soon!!**

*The My Little Pony Beauty Boutique!* .... a collection of mg's that you can get help and help tohers with their pony care/beauty probems!
*Webrings and links* .... um, well, webrings and links
*Pinwheels's Trades* .... see what's up for trade!
*Wish upon a pony's ribbon* .... Visit my wishlist
*The pony fair* .... Enter a contest
*Pollies* .... pointless but entertaining polls
*Story Corner* .... Various short stories of mine
*The Bedtime Newborns* .... mini-shrine
*Rio's Cookie Bucket* .... my life page, lots of pics of me and my horse!
*Shrine to Sweet Stuff* .... self-explainetory...