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Here are a few links to some sites we like.

The Mushroom Kingdom - got Mario?This is a cool ass Mario Brothers site. It has pretty much everything you need to look for in ANY Mario related anything.ever. Go there if you are a fan or go there if you are not. Mike liked this site alot. Inducing Epileptic Seizures Since 1997The wonderous Guffyspace is extremely funny. At least according to Elliott. Check it out.

Yesterdayland poops A site with a whole bunch of junk about Galaxy Trio. Mike likes it.

Onlinecomics This is a site that features online comics by a bunch of people, go there its fun.

Swordchucks says it allA very funny webcomic using Final Fantasy sprites. Its funny even if you havent played the game! Read the archives or you will be lost. Elliott finds it extremely funny.

Heros fight crime with fruitpies, bad NES games, MR.T and more...A humor site run by the Immortal Seanbaby. Has a very cool NES page. Extremely funny according to Elliott... sensing a pattern here?

This is Max's site. Notable for the special feature, among other things, so check it out, it's fun!

Look over there.....Zoink!Another webcomic, this time with Mega Man sprites. Read the archives or you will pose the question, Who the hell are Bob and George? "Extremely funny"-Elliott

Three words.Kin Corn Karn. A fan fiction written by Elliott. Supposedly funny. Read it if you have nothing else to do and have already memorized the other sites on this links page.