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Upcoming Litters
Upcoming Litters

We currently do not have puppies available at this time.
All of the puppies from the Dalton x Marlo litter have been placed in wonderful homes!
Our next litter is planned for 2013!

Please check back for information on our 2013 litter!

Marlo pictured at four years of age.

Dalton is pictured at the 2010 National Specialty

Pedigree for the Dalton x Marlo Litter

Marlo had nine beautiful brindle puppies on June 2, 2011! Seven males and two females! Pictures to follow shortly.
Please check the website often for updated pictures!

This litter is bred by Barbie Barrett (ZONA Danes), Lisa Hernandez (Syvile Danes), and Kim Felix & Zee daSilva (SisCo Danes).
We are all very excited about this futurity nominated litter.

Both Sire and Dam have been fully health tested. For more information on Dalton, please visit his page on this site.
Dalton's Page

For more information on Marlo, please visit her page at

Please email me and request a puppy questionnaire if you are interested in a puppy from this litter.

All of our puppies will be weaned to the raw prey model diet
See pictures below of their first meal of raw, whole ground rabbit.

If you are interested in a well-bred, quality puppy from exceptional show stock,
please read the following carefully before inquiring:

All puppies are sold with contracts, no exceptions.
A few of the contractual requirements are:
a. Show puppies are co-owned until specific agreements are met (individual basis).
b. Companion puppies must be altered at the appropriate age
and will have Limited AKC Registration.
c. Puppies must be an integral part of the family and live in the house.
d. A fenced yard is required (electric fencing is not considered a fence).
e. Buyers are to keep in contact with us regularly with pictures
and updates for the life of the puppy.

Our puppies are raised under foot from birth with special care and attention.
Therefore, placing them in an appropriate, loving home is our priority.
If you have planned for this puppy and intend to give him or her a nurturing, caring home for life
and want full breeder support for the life of your puppy,
please email me for our puppy questionnaire.