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Shadow Demon-"Grimoire Of Ruin"-2006

Grunge is now officially dead! Want proof? Give a listen to "Grimoire of Ruin", the debut full length from [former Grunge capital] Seattle's very own Shadow Demon! Nearly three years after their debut EP, the band have FINALLY been given the chance to cut loose with this 9-track album, and they certainly made the most of it! SD have more or less taken their established sound and refined it, not straying too far from the ideas set down on the EP. The early Iced Earth stylings are still apparent, though not blatant; in fact, this is probably what Iced Earth would sound like these days, if Jon Schaffers` hyper-patriotic fervor hadn`t got the better of him! But what sets Shadow Demon apart is certainly the vocals of Blaine Hammond, who provides each tune with his own stamp, thus allowing the band to stand out a bit from the pack. This can be heard on the opener, "A Dream of Dreams", as well the next cut, "Drums Of War". The crunching guitars that kick off the latter track are courtesy of Jeff Helm and Ryan Gallagher, and their formidible presence is felt throught the entire album; obviously a lot of time and effort went into making sure the guitars stood out in the mix! "The Dark Citadel", "Waking Among The Dead", and the thrasher "Humbris Mortis" all seethe with a raw, dark energy that seems to be this bands` stock-in-trade. There ARE a couple of minor sticking points for me; the version of "...And The Meek" present here is minus the a` capella intro that was present on the EP and made the original such a powerhouse tune. The lack of this on the new version, while not ruining the song, DOES diminish it`s power somewhat. And while the guitars rip, tear and snarl, and the vocals are clear as a bell, the drums are somewhat "boxy" sounding, and the bass is slightly muffled, due to a somewhat muted-sounding production. But again, these are minor sore points on a MAJOR album from band who will surely go on to be one THE major US Power Metal acts in the future! You can QUOTE me on that! One of 2006` BEST!!

Shadow Demon

Storm Folkearth-"By The Sword Of My Father"-2006

By The Sword Of My Father" is the second album by Folk Metal project Folkearth, doubtless one of the most unique musical entities to come along in many moons. Folkearth features no less than 34 musicians in it`s lineup, all from various parts of the world. An amazing feat, to be sure! The 16 pieces here are obviously derived, both musically and themematically, from Norse mythology, though not in the standard Power Metal way. Great care was obviously taken to ensure a level of authenticity, right down to the types of instruments used. At times reminding the listener of Finntroll and Vintersorg, Folkearth have crafted a brilliantly conceived concept album, one to be enjoyed by both Folk Metal enthusiasts as well as the more casual Metal fan. Though hampered somewhat by a less-than-pristine production, the music MORE than speaks for itself! It`s really difficult for me to accurately describe the Folkearth sound; you quite literally have to experience it for yourself. And you can do so by going to the official Folkearth website and ordering the album, thus ensuring that MORE enchanting works from this band will be forthcoming. Highly recommended!!



Regular visitors to this site know that there are a few bands/artists who hold a special place in my heart, and TYR is surely such a band! Having followed their career for four years, from their debut "How Far To Asgaard", to the jaw-dropping "Eric The Red", I and many others saw nothing but great things for this 4-piece from the Faeroe Islands. That`s why it is SUCH a pleasure to be reviewing the THIRD release from TYR, titled "Ragnarok"! The bands` unique melding of their rich Faroese mythology and traditional music with Metal has now been elevated to an artform on the new album, which surpasses "Eric The Red" on nearly ALL points, a feat I didn`t think was possible. Obviously the band are not content to rest on their laurels, but rather prefer to push their previously established boundaries. Let`s face it; NOBODY sounds quite like TYR, and one listen to this CD should be proof a`plenty! Crystal-clear production, well-thought out tunes sung partly in English and Faroese, highly original time changes and lyrics rife with legends from a wind-swept island in the North Atlantic are part and parsel for this band, and they`ve only gotten better at it. I`m not even gonna try to point out the "choice cuts", as this album should be taken as a whole piece, though if prodded, I can say that "Torsteins Kvaedi", "Ragnarok" and "Wings Of Time" are among my current rotation of favorites from this album. And be sure to check out the guitar work on "The Rage Of The Skullgaffer" ; man, one listen to THAT, and I think a lot of 6-stringers will wanna give it up and put their gear on E-bay! A damn near flawless work of art, "Ragnarok" will certainly make the top of most Metal "best" lists; in fact, I`ll go so far as to declare it THE best Metal album of 2006! Buy it and believe!! Highest recommendation possible......


Steel Attack-"Diabolic Symphony"-2006

Another band that falls into the "How-the-HELL-did-I-miss-these-guys?" category! Sweden's Steel Attack have 5 albums under their studded belts, including the latest, "Diabolic Symphony", and from all indications this could be their yet! I`ve observed that many of the Euro Power Metalists [the more creative ones, at least] are divesting themselves of the standard genre cliches and are finding their own voices. Steel Attack are among the best and brightest of the lot!. The standard spotless Power Metal production values only accentuate the groups superior firepower and sheer heaviness, with keyboards and slightly complex arrangements giving the tunes just the right amount of symphonic bombast, while avoiding the pretentions that marr many a potentially great Metal album. Standout tracks include "Dead Forever", "Embraced By Fear","Shallow Seas Of Hatred" "Dreaming" are but a few shining examples. The winner for me, though, is the aptly titled "Haunting", one of the most dramatic Metal songs I`ve heard in a while! The album also contains a video track for "Diabolic Symphony". The year 2006 was an even BETTER one for Metal than `05, and you can thank bands like Steel Attack for making it so! BUY THIS ONE NOW!!!!!

Steel Attack

Aspire-"The Age Of Reckoning"-2006

New York based Metal outfit Aspire are one of those bands that gives me hope for the US scene, and their lates release only re-inforces that hope! "The Age Of Reckoning" is the second album from the band, and they`ve obviously grown leaps and bounds since their last album, "Quest Eternal" , and evinced by the tracks like "Burn The Witch", which kicks off the disc after a brief intro. First off, the guys are brilliant musicians of the highest calibre, yet mature enough to know when to hold back and not overplay, a common pitfall for less seasoned players. The song is the main thing with Aspire, though they certainly aren`t afraid to show off their chops when called to do so! At times, they remind me of early Crimson Glory and perhaps Manilla Road, but seem to have found their own voice as well. The recording, while not a million dollar affair, certainly give the tunes an added power; give a listen to "Center And Part Of the Whole", "Repentance", "Kynvorloc", 'Verona's Walls" for proof. Although there would appear to be a central theme, each track can be enjoyed individually, showing the care that obviously went into the songwriting. And a pleasant surprise for me was the inclusion of "Heaven On Their Minds" from Jesus Christ Superstar; Aspire keep the original arrangement intact while Metalizing the Andrew Lloyd Weber tune to stunning effect! All in all, one of the finest Metal discs of 2006 and a worthy addition to your Metal collection. Now that you`re done reading this, go to the bands` website and BUY the album! That`s an order!

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