Girl Has Hair Like Alien On Babylon 5

Girl Has Hair Like Alien On Babylon 5

Back To The Watcher Connection

Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

Martha Yeakes, a ninth grader at Taylortucky High School is one of the few people who have chosen to go against the ‘fashion’ of the times and is sporting a ‘do that few people wear. Yeakes has decided to make her hair look like the hairstyles of Centauri males on the now canceled show “Babylon 5.” Her hair especially reminds me of a Centauri named Londo Mollari…or even Vir Cotto. (Both pictured below) I have seen her walking around the school twice so far in the last two months with her hair like this. So far, I haven't heard anyone comment on her hair, but I only see her in the hallway. Personally, I'm wondering what the heck she's thinking? How much hairspray did that take? Will this new style last and will the more popular teens decided to wear their hair like the Centauri? I doubt it. At least this reporter will not wear her hair like that. I think it is very odd of anyone to do that, but hey, what do I know?

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