About Max Xeus

About Max Xeus

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I’m Max Xeus. My last name is pronounced zoose. Like the God, Zeus. Got it? Good, I’m glad you understand.

I’m a passionate person when it comes to personal beliefs. From religion to music, you’de better bet that I have some sort of opinion on the matter. I’m just an opinionated girl. What can I say?

My full name’s Maxyne, but I don’t totally agree with the girlie sound it gives me, so I just go by Max. Not Maxie. Not Maxyne. Just Max.

I also attend Taylortucky High School with Lucilla, Yves, Brooke, and Bobbie, We all write for The Watchers Connection for one reason and one reason only: to tell you what goes on in our school, and to maybe open your eyes to what goes on in yours. Plus, we want you to see what goes on in our minds from just one simple word. Because that one simple word can open up a whole flow of topics, and we all understand that.

I usually have the serious topics, but maybe I’ll get a few not-so-serious topics. With the topics where all of the reporters tell you their opinions, you can bet that some of mine might be a little funny or humorous to you. That is, if you’re smart enough to understand them, which I really hope you are.

I keep my eyes open for things that other people don’t really see. Like the NHS scams that I wrote to you about. Or about the insane people topic.

If you want to jump in and help us with a story or have any comments of your own, e-mail me or Yves and we may post it on the site. You know our addresses because they’re posted on the site, so go and see it!

Okay, my closing comment now. We are watching you. We know what we want. And we’ll expose whatever we can to see just what will happen.