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Ok. So the thing is that i'm at the point where i look back at most of my back issues with utter distain. Which might be unfair, because it's a given that most anything i do i'm going to hate in 2 month so it's best not to get too bent up about it. But if you're really interested, here they are....

the first issue has got a really long bio on frances farmer (who was an actress in the 30's, and there was basically this big conspiracy against her because she was liberal and rebellious and and people thought she was a communist, and she was eventually locked up in a looney bin and lobotomized) "what is punk?", collage-thing, rants, info on luisa casati, kill rock stars, my review of courtney love's single, and a bunch of other stuff. cost is $1 or trade.

The second ish has a Q and A with Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls, various rants, raves, etc. including Emme's rant on valentine's day, review of courtney Love's album America's Sweetheart, Pennyroyal, Q and A with the lead singer of Dust Bunny (local band), review of fanfare in the garden: the essential logical collection, my political rant, revenge of the furbies and other stuff. $1 or trade.

Third issue had an interview with Nora Sandstad, who works at Free Range Graphics, my Kurt Cobain lament, 'jerry Falwell's 10 questions to ask yourself before becoming a fundamentalist'(PARODY), my rant on religion,randomness and anxiety by Mary Elizabeth, reviews of the Blue Angel, School of rock, and Ciao! Manhattan, a comic by my brother, a list of cool stuff/reviews (everything from music to cartoon characters), a 'The passion of the christ' rant by josh, and um.. thing. yeah. other stuff. to be honest, i think this was the worst, because it was thrown together so quickly. The list is probably the only thing in there that isn't awful.

I don't even have the first zine i did on here ("corked.") maybe if you bribe me or ask really nicely, i'll send it to you.

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