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Vice Admiral

Reged: 2000/07/03
Loc: Springfield, Just Another State, USA
Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856099 - 2003/02/27 08:01 PM

Hi Enterpriser. I just wanted to do a quick clarify on something you said in this thread. It sounded like "discussion" was ok for GTD but "debate" wasn't. It's a distinction I'm not quite following.

I'm probably just reading what you said wrong. But I'm just a little confused. Maybe I'm just having a brain fart moment.

Question Authority.

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Lord Garth
Rear Admiral

Reged: 1999/08/10
Loc: Brockton MA, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856130 - 2003/02/27 08:07 PM

wS?, you're way ahead of me! Hopefully GTD hasn't drastically changed since I left.

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Reged: 2001/07/11
Loc: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856169 - 2003/02/27 08:16 PM


Posted by where'sSaavik?:
Hi Enterpriser. I just wanted to do a quick clarify on something you said in this thread. It sounded like "discussion" was ok for GTD but "debate" wasn't. It's a distinction I'm not quite following.

I'm probably just reading what you said wrong. But I'm just a little confused. Maybe I'm just having a brain fart moment.

No problem.

"Discussion" for me denotes a friendly exchange of ideas grounded on mutual respect, even if one has different perspectives on various issues. One could discuss the merits of various Trek programs, for example, or even criticize another Trek program for not being quite as good in one way or another, and yet maintain openness toward those who disagree.

"Debate" has the connotation of antagonism -- that is, the element of challenge to others to defend their view. Further, "debate" often carries the implication that one side is correct, and the other side is incorrect. Finally, "debates" generally do not work where there is no agreement on the premises of the issues being debated, whereas as often is the case, premises grounded on personal preferences are widely divergent.

Discussion can certainly share certain elements of debate, but the underlying presumption of challenge and defense is greatly attenuated. That, to me, is a central difference between the two approaches.

Enterprise Factual Details Star Trek: Galactica

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Rear Admiral

Reged: 2000/02/19
Loc: Roanoke, VA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856252 - 2003/02/27 08:32 PM

I don't agree. I think either are acceptable terms. Debate to me is simply the exchanging of opposing viewpoints. Something we'd defintly allow, it's going to get heated at times, but that's why were here to step in if something needs to be done.

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Lord Garth
Rear Admiral

Reged: 1999/08/10
Loc: Brockton MA, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856277 - 2003/02/27 08:38 PM


Originally posted by Enterpriser:
"Debate" has the connotation of antagonism -- that is, the element of challenge to others to defend their view. Further, "debate" often carries the implication that one side is correct, and the other side is incorrect. Finally, "debates" generally do not work where there is no agreement on the premises of the issues being debated, whereas as often is the case, premises grounded on personal preferences are widely divergent.

Discussion can certainly share certain elements of debate, but the underlying presumption of challenge and defense is greatly attenuated. That, to me, is a central difference between the two approaches.

The definition of debate, as a verb:


1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument.
4. Obsolete. To fight or quarrel.

"Discussion" as defined by Webster's Uabridged Dictionary:


1. The act or process of discussing by breaking up, or dispersing, as a tumor, or the like.

2. The act of discussing or exchanging reasons; examination by argument; debate; disputation; agitation.

A debate is still a discussion whether someone finds it palatable or not.

Yes, a lot of debates are antagonistic, but as long as posters don't get the point where they're attacking the each other as posters instead of the subject at hand, the debate is still releveant to Star Trek and is thus appropriate material for this board, including the GTD Forum.

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Reged: 2001/07/11
Loc: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856295 - 2003/02/27 08:42 PM

Here's an alternative definition:


Main Entry: 1de·bate
Pronunciation: di-'bAt, dE-
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
: a contention by words or arguments: as a : the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure b : a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides


However, I'm not one to cite dictionary definitions where common sense will do. Common sense suggests that debate has the element of challenge which discussion does not. That was the basis of my comment.

However, I freely admit that it is possible to use "debate" in the sense of "discussion", and vice versa. I was explaining my understanding of the distinction between the two.

Further, where the two are used in contradistinction, the differences between the two are highlighted. For example, if I were to say, "Buy the 'sapphire' sweater instead of the 'cobalt'," the intended and implied distinction would be the subtle distinction between hues. It is true that both are varieties of the color blue, and in some sense, it is true that one can be used in lieu of the other, but that's not the purpose of using the specific two terms when seen in context. The same goes in my message: The difference between "debate" and "discussion" is that one is usually more contentious, and the other is less so.

Of course, it is not my intent to shut down any thread that contains disagreements as to points of view; however, the principle stands that contentious discussion, which I referred to as "debate", is not the aim of the General Trek Discussion Forum.

Hope that helps.

Enterprise Factual Details Star Trek: Galactica

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Rear Admiral

Reged: 2000/02/19
Loc: Roanoke, VA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856329 - 2003/02/27 08:49 PM


Posted by Enterpriser:

Here's an alternative definition:


Main Entry: 1de·bate
Pronunciation: di-'bAt, dE-
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
: a contention by words or arguments: as a : the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure b : a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides


I'm not seeing how that definition of debate relates to what your trying to say Enterpriser... it seems like that's exactly what we'd want to encourage ?

Opposing viewpoints are what makes life interesting, to me it seems like you want GTD to be a place where everyone agrees and talks about "What is your favorite starship".

Debate is the heart of a BBS, and the message I'm getting from you is that you want to stifle that ?

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Reged: 2001/07/11
Loc: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856341 - 2003/02/27 08:52 PM


Posted by Nate:

Posted by Enterpriser:

Here's an alternative definition:


Main Entry: 1de·bate
Pronunciation: di-'bAt, dE-
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
: a contention by words or arguments: as a : the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure b : a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides


I'm not seeing how that definition of debate relates to what your trying to say Enterpriser... it seems like that's exactly what we'd want to encourage ?

Opposing viewpoints are what makes life interesting, to me it seems like you want GTD to be a place where everyone agrees and talks about "What is your favorite starship".

Debate is the heart of a BBS, and the message I'm getting from you is that you want to stifle that ?

I added to my posting, above, so perhaps that will help.

As for "stifling debate", I think you'll find that my messages in the the thread linked to above clearly state that I do not expect that everyone will agree to everything. I do, however, expect that everyone will act in a mutually respectful manner.

I will quote from one of my own messages in that thread:


As I have stated, it remains possible, nevertheless, to advance the cause of your preferred Trek show without disparaging the preferences of those who like others. For example, if you like DS9 you could cite how DS9 deals in issues of moral complexity, and perhaps how it is different from and, in your view, better than, other Trek shows. Emphasizing the positive aspects of the Trek show you like offends no one, and it can be quite constructive. And in return, others can claim that other Trek shows, such as TOS, have also addressed issues of moral ambiguity, citing examples and comparing them to (for example) similar instances in DS9. In this way, it is quite feasible to maintain an intellectually stimulating and interesting discussion, without the high risk entailed in blanket generalizations concerning the perceived audienceship of a show -- generalizations that are almost sure to offend.

Enterprise Factual Details Star Trek: Galactica

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Lord Garth
Rear Admiral

Reged: 1999/08/10
Loc: Brockton MA, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856366 - 2003/02/27 09:00 PM


Posted by Enterpriser:
Of course, it is not my intent to shut down any thread that contains disagreements as to points of view; however, the principle stands that contentious discussion, which I referred to as "debate", is not the aim of the General Trek Discussion Forum.

Here's something I said back in December when I was still a moderator of the forum:


There are TNG vs. ENT, DS9 vs. ENT, and VOY vs. ENT discussions in GTD as well. It's not the topics themselves that are inflamatory, it's the people who get involved who sometimes are. Whenever a DS9 vs. VOY discussion starts I have to operate under the assumption that an intelligent conversation will come out of it because I don't know the direction that the discussion will take when the thread is first opened. It's only when and if trouble starts that moderator action should be taken. At least in my mind.

Otherwise, in theory, if I decide to close anything I think might be inflamatory without giving it a chance, then the TOS vs. TNG thread would never have been given a chance to develop and contrary to what some people would think, that thread has actually turned out very well. I have to assume the same can be possible with DS9 vs. VOY. As I said before, it's up to the posters, not the topic.

This in my mind is how the GTD forum should be run and that's how I ran it for over a year.

I know that Nate feels the same way.

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Lord Garth
Rear Admiral

Reged: 1999/08/10
Loc: Brockton MA, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856375 - 2003/02/27 09:02 PM


As for "stifling debate", I think you'll find that my messages in the the thread linked to above clearly state that I do not expect that everyone will agree to everything. I do, however, expect that everyone will act in a mutually respectful manner.

On this, I agree. Unfortunately, a lot of posters don't feel that way, but shouldn't do we anything unless they cross the line and break BBS policy.

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Vice Admiral

Reged: 2000/07/03
Loc: Springfield, Just Another State, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856386 - 2003/02/27 09:05 PM

I hear where you're coming from, Enterpriser. I was on the debate team in junior high and high school (yeah, me a debate nerd, who'd a thunk it?). And so I was trained in a more formal adversarial system.

But I also had a lot of discussion based philosophy courses in college that broke me of thinking debate was a competition. When practiced well, it's not about winning or losing. It's about getting toward some kind of truth. The dialectic in action.

A "debate" is just another word for "discussion." And discussion is what we're all about. The reason I'm hesitant to discourage "debate" is that I think people will think we're prohibiting dissent. That's not what we want. People are free to disagree, about anything and everything. The requirement is only that they obey the Board Rules, which just means that they have to respect everyone on the board. Not agree with, just respect.

Right now, we're all discussing the nature of these two words. You could also say we're debating them. But even if this were a moderated forum there'd be nothing wrong with our debate, since we're all treating each other respectfully. No sniping, no snarking. It's not about proving one person is wrong and another right. We're just exchanging ideas. Trying to reach an understanding. (It's very Roddenberry-esque when you think about it)

"Debate" gets a bad wrap because so many people do it so poorly. Shows like "Crossfire" or the "O'Reilly Factor" are just about talking heads. There's no incentive to really talk about issues, it's all about demonstrating how smart you are by making everybody else seem stupid. And the "Presidential Debates" that get trotted out before us every four years are positively sad.


"Debate" has the connotation of antagonism

I understand why you'd be concerned about that because we've all seen discussions like those degenerate into pissing matched. But that doesn't mean they all must.


that is, the element of challenge to others to defend their view.

Challenging another person to defend their view is fine. As long as it's done in a civil manner there's no problem.


Further, "debate" often carries the implication that one side is correct, and the other side is incorrect.

Well, sometimes people are just wrong. Whether or not the discussion demonstrates this is a matter of interpretation to the reader. Not all views are equal and we shouldn't pretend that all arguments are morally equivalent.


Finally, "debates" generally do not work where there is no agreement on the premises of the issues being debated, whereas as often is the case, premises grounded on personal preferences are widely divergent.

Such is life. All meaning is derived from context. It would be nice if we could all agree on common premises, but the nature of our individual experiences makes that impossible. People will always see things a little differently than their neighbor. But that's what makes it fun. To really get into a discussion and exchange ideas and maybe start to see something from a different point of view. It's a cool epiphany moment sometimes.

Question Authority.

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Reged: 2001/07/11
Loc: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856438 - 2003/02/27 09:19 PM

Thanks for your input, guys.

Lord Garth, you can be certain that I have no intent of stifling differences of opinion. (I think the way you ran things was fine, and I have some pretty big shoes to fill.) Differences of opinion, if expressed in a way that does not engender hostility, are to be expected and would be welcomed. I'm sorry that my messages seemed to imply otherwise to you.

WS, agreed. Discussions and debates, if properly run, share much in common, and controlled debates can be simply a form of discussion. My intent in drawing the distinction was not to squelch disagreement or "debate" in that sense, but simply to highlight the need for mutual respect rather than challenge. It does not represent a change in policy. You can be assured that my perspective remains unchanged from what it has been since the beginning.

Enterprise Factual Details Star Trek: Galactica

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Vice Admiral

Reged: 2000/07/03
Loc: Springfield, Just Another State, USA
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856641 - 2003/02/27 09:57 PM

Sounds like we're all on the same page.

Question Authority.

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Reged: 2001/07/11
Loc: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave
Re: Debate vs. Discussion (Enterpriser)
      #856644 - 2003/02/27 09:58 PM


Posted by where'sSaavik?:
Sounds like we're all on the same page.

I think so, and I'm glad.

Enterprise Factual Details Star Trek: Galactica

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