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Tongue and Cheek

Enjoy Two Magazines In One!

Sorry, Issue II Will Be Delayed Until 30 Sep 03 Due To Circumstances Beyond Our Control

Feel Free To Peruse Issue I!

Tongue & Cheek is an independently owned, quartlerly e-magazine. (Sorry, traditional print is not available.)Tongue & Cheek is owned and created by Mark Darien. All material contained is copyrighted and cannot be used without express permission. All copyright violations will be vigorously pursued to the fullest extent of the law if necessary. Tongue & Cheek accepts contributions for any section. Please send a query letter to the e-mail listed below for submission guidelines. If you wish to submit to the News section, please include in your query a brief synopsis of your proposed article. AT THE PRESENT TIME, Tongue & Cheek CANNOT PAY FOR SUBMISSION, however, proper credit will be given for any accepted work.

