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My Pictures

me before prom
Hey Ya'll!Well I'm finally getting around to updating my page!Above is a picture of me and my boyfriend at prom this year! =)Well I guess I will tell you more about myself now...I am 17 years old,I live in Louisiana,I have brown hair,blue eyes,110 lbs.I love to dance and of course spend time with my boyfriend who I love so much!I am currently a senior in high school.Some of my hobbies that I enjoy doing is dancing,gymnastics,shopping,and whatever else I can find that interest me.I am on the parade team for the company I dance for we dance in mardi gras parades and recently went to disney world to perform.I was also on the(JROTC)Varsity Drill team.I also love to party! =)Here is more info about me


Name:Do ya really need to know that?

Nicknames:I don't really have any

Where you named after anybody:Yes some one that my mom went to high school with.


Birthdate:May 25th,1986

Location:Somewhere on this earth!


Eye Color:Blue

Hair Color:Brown,red and blonde but I use to have it dyed all blonde

Height:5'1 1/2

Name 5 words to describe yourself:Crazy,Adventrous,Bitchy,Ditzy,Moody





Email addys:Do you really need to know that?

How many siblings:3

Names:Shai (11),Savanna(5),Zack(3) and I might as well have two other sisters ashley my best friend and my boyfriends little sister!

Parents names:Aimee & Jack

How many pets:3

Names:Pepper,Gizmo,and Fred


Best:Stephanie,Ashley,Lindsay and Rychel

Funniest:Bob & Dawn

Prettiest:Ashley, Casey and Dawn

Hottest:My baby and Jon Ellis

Most likely to succeed:Stephanie

ditziest:Scarlet,Dawn,Rochelle,basically all of us!


gives the best advice:Stephanie,Ashley & Kyle

Hangs w/you the most:Stephanie,Ashley,Kyle and Casey

Best style:Ashley & Me!

prettiest eyes:Me and Casey

nicest smile:Ashley


Do you have a bf/gf:Yes


How long have you been 2gether:2 Years 8 months and 11 days

Do you have a crush:Yeah

Name:Vin Diesel!

How long have u liked this person:Since The Fast & Furious

First Kiss:My first real kiss was from someone I don't talk to anymore!

First crush:Oh god...I don't remember

Last bf/gf:Well I haven't had a last boyfriend in a long time cause I've been with kyle for so long!

Do you still like them:No I don't really care for any of my exes because if I did would I be with kyle?No!

Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry:Yes

What wuz your worse breakup:Don't want to talk about it because it doesn't matter

What the first thing u notice about a gurl/guy:Eyes,Body and Personality

Turn on:Abs

Turn off:Annoying,Whiny guys

Have you ever feel in love w/a friend:Not a friend that was a girl but with a guy friend

Would you rather have a long term relationship or just date around:Long Term

Have you ever been in love:Yes twice and one of the times is now!

If love were a color it would be:Red for passion

If love wuz a shape it would be:A heart

<>ThIs oR ThaT<>

Coke or pepsi:Pepsi

Pencil or pen:Pen

top or bottom:Depends on what your talking about ;)

hug or kiss:Both

Tv or radio:Both

Nsync or backstreet boys:N Sync

cd or tape:Cd

phone or computer:Computer

sandals or shoes:Both

socks or no socks:Socks

rose or lily:Roses

popular or gilmore gurls:Glimore Girls

southpark or simpsons:Both

Dr.pepper or moutain dew:Both

Vanilla or chocolate:Vanilla

Strawberry or butter pecan:Strawberry

Mcdonalds or burger king:Burger King but McDonalds fries are better

arbys or rax:Arby's

orange or pink:Pink

blue or red:Blue


Song:Diry,Underneath it All,Wish You Were Here,Get It On,Dangeriously In Love,Beautiful,Can't Stop,etc

group/band:No Doubt,Sum 41,Incubus,Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Good Charlotte,Simple Plan,Linkin Park,etc

singer:Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani

cd:To many to name!

movie:A Walk To Remember,XXX,Legally Blonde,How to Lose a Guy in 10 days,etc


acoholic beverge:Strawberry Daquiris

Subject:Psychology cause I am going to major in it

store in the mall:Wet Seal

radio station:Q93,93.1,94.1,94.5,B97

tv show:Dawson's Creek,Birds of Prey which I met Shemar Moore, and the Osbournes


book:I don't really read books anymore

teacher:Mrs.Sirmon and my ROTC instructors

tooth paste:Crest

day of the week:Friday

family member:My aunts


holiday:Christmas,Valentines Day and My B-day


food:Crawfish (basically anything seafood,Sushi,Chinese Food and of course German food cause I'm german

fast food:Taco Bell & Wendy's

color to wear:Blue it brings out my eyes more


shoes:To many


(:)+< QuEsTiOns(:)+<

Have you ever cheated on a test:Yes when I was in like 5th grade

cut your own hair:Yeah

been on stage:Yes I've been dancing for 13 years now

skipped skool:Not intentionally

Stayed home on a saturday:Yeah if I'm not out partying or spending quality time with my baby

Toliet paper someones house/car:Oh Yeah!

Got toliet papered:Yeah once

Been so drunk u puked:Yeah

Got in trouble w/the popo(cops):Nope

Went to a concert:Yeah many

WHo wuz in concert:N Sync,Sum 41,Incubus,Less Than Jake,VooDoo Fest,Mighty Bosstones,Red Hot Chilli Peppers and more to come probably

Who yah go with:My boyfriend & Friends

here is my link to my other pictures
Recent Pictures! T(L-R):Me,Dawn,Lindsay,Riki B(L-R):Casey and Ashley T(L-R):Joey,Jon,Chase,Dustin B(L-R):Bob and Kyle L-R:Megan,Sarrah,Ashley & Me
Older Pictures!
Me and Kyle "Prom 01"
here's a picture of me & my girl scarlet at mb last year
my cousin stephanie and her boyfriend jerry