Shane Allison

Shane Allison has published his poems in Coal City Review, Chiron Review, Velvet Mafia, Suspect Thoughts, Babel, Redneck Review, New Delta Review, Red River Review, Literary New York, Frigg Magazine, The Glut and many others. He was born and raised in Florida where he recieved his BA in English from Florida State University and went on to New York where he studied with David Lehman at New School University. His chapbook, Ceiling of Mirrors, is out from Cynic Press.

Amanda Auchter

Amanda Auchter works as an editorial assistant at the Gulf Coast literary magazine. She is also completing a degree in creative writing from the University of Houston. Her writing credits include Benchmark, Carillon Magazine, Coffee Press Journal, The Journal, The Moriarty Papers, The Morpo Review, Rearview Quarterly, Red Booth Review, Southern Ocean Review, The Wolf Head Quarterly, Wilmington Blues, Write On!!, and Zillah. She has also published with Sun Poetic Times, which selected lines from her poem “Omniscience” to appear in the 2003 Poets Market. Her first novel Burning Sins to Ashes was published in 2000 by Writer's Club Press.

Carrie Bennett

Carrie Bennett was born and raised in Upstate New York. She is currently writing from a log cabin situated among the mountains of Alaska's Matanuska Valley. Her work has appeared in Wild Violet Magazine and Long Story Short.

Ace Boggess

Ace Boggess is author of one book of poems, The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled ( His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Poetry East, Atlanta Review, Florida Review, Southeast Review, and SNReview.

Gerald Bosacker

Gerald Bosacker, who studied under famed poet John Berryman, was sidetracked in youth by economic need and became a printer, then a salesman,  who successfully migrated upward to become vice president of sales for an international company. Promoted beyond his ambition and capability, Bosacker jumped at the chance for early retirement. He lives in a Florida retirement community and has resumed writing. He has published two books of poetry: Wrymes, Finalties and The Embers Reader. His poetry has appeared in more than two dozen publications including Guernsey Limericks, New Shetlander, and Taj Mahal Review.

Greg Braquet

Greg Braquet hails from New Orleans. His poetry has appeared in such publications as The New Laurel Review, THEMA, The Tap Root Review, Lucid Moon, Desire Street, Sour Grapes, Pedestal Magazine, Pierian Springs, Tryst, Side Reality, Muse Apprentice Guild, The Delirium Journal, The Junket, and The Little Green Tricycle.

Amberlee Cater

Due to her mother's failing health, Amberlee Carter quit school at 13. Three years later her mother passed away and then her father became ill. During the first years she spent with her mother, writing became a comfort and poetry an addiction. She's now 22, and her work has appeared in Thunder Sandwich, Unlikely Stories, Scrivener's Pen Literary Journal, Megaera, New Horizon e-mag, and The TMP Irregular as well as two anthologies of world poetry and also the Seasons4Writing newsletter.

Phillip Ik Chukwu

Phillip Ik Chukwu was born twenty years ago in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, where he obtained his primary and secondary education. He developed a keen interest and love for poetry, and also started writing while in high school. His poems reflect his views on the happenings around his immediate surroundings and the global community. He also writes novels, dramas, and short stories, although none of them have yet been published.

Toni Clark

Toni Clark belongs to both the Writer’s Center of Bethesda, Maryland, and Scriviamo, a regional women’s writing group. She has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Washington. “Bootlegged Nana” is her first published essay.

J.H. Clues

J.H. Clues has been a freelance writer for more than thirty years and has published numerous short stories, articles, poems, and essays. His poem "The Individual Lost" is included in the anthology A Study In Crimson. He is working on my first novel, "The Silver Thaw." Born and raised in the Los Angeles area, he has lived in Salem, Oregon, for the past 26 years, with my wife of 37 years, Sandy, and our five children.

Jack Conway

Jack Conway is the author of nine books, including the humorous novel, The Road To Ruin (2003), a volume of poetry, Life Sentences (2002), and a non-fiction book, American Literacy: Fifty Books That Define Our Culture and Ourselves, published by William Morrow. His work has appeared in The Antioch Review, The Columbia Review, Yankee, The Land-Grant College Review, The Peregrine Literary Review, The Paumanok Review, Ralph, Rattle, Slow Trains and The Norton Anthology of Light Verse among others.

Kenji Crosland

Kenji Crosland is a recent graduate from the University of Washington. He has had several stories published including "Reunion," which is included here in the SNReview. As a major in English and Minor in Japanese, he will be teaching English in Japan. Meanwhile he is working on a novel and short stories.

Johanna DeBiase
Johanna DeBiase lives in an Athabascan village on the Yukon River where she works with Native teenagers at a residential school. She also teaches creative writing for the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her writes extensively about her life experiences, cross-country skis, and hikes through the woods with her dogs. Her first poem was published last fall in Hysteria: An Anthology of Poetry, Prose, and Visual Art  on the subject of women's mental health (LunaSea Press, 2003), and the upcoming editio of Alaska Women Speak  will include two of her stories. She recently received her MFA in writing from Goddard College.

Barbara DeCesare

Barbara DeCesare has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and a poem forthcoming in the August issue of Poetry.  She is a 2003 Pushcart Prize nominee and the Poet Laureate of 8th biggest rock n’ roll radio show in the nation at WIYY 97.9, Baltimore.  Her poems have found homes in The Evansville Review, Gargoyle, River Styx, Alaska Quarterly Review, and many other journals.  Her book of poems jigsaweyesore (Anti-Man Press 1999) was called “what thunder looks like in writing” by The Baltimore Sun.  Visit http// for audio samples.

Peter De Vriess

Peter deVries is a lecturer in the faculty of education at the University of Technology, Sydney. Zaresky Press ( published his novel The Games, and Macmillan has put out his children’s mystery/adventure.

Frank Haberle

Frank Haberle's stories have appeared in the City Writers Review ( and in a performance by the New York-based Mottola Theater Project. In the early 1980’s Frank studied literature at Gettysburg College and, briefly, with Allan Ginsburg at the Naropa Institute’s Jack Kerouac School for Disembodied Poets in Colorado.

Marty Hanson-Roscoe

Marty Hanson-Roscoe, a life-long New Englander, attended local public schools and aspired to be a writer. Her first poetry was written in the fifth grade. Since that time she has written to her drawer. After years of a tragic, yet comedic life, Marty decided to write about some of her experiences, hence, “On Being Five.” She is working on a novel.

Rob Hunter

Rob Hunter resides in Pensacola, Florida, where he is oh-so-close to his B.A. in English Creative Writing. He attended his girlfriend's college graduation, co-adopted a new dog, and discovered the joys of pickled okra. He enjoys speaking in Suessian verse and pretending he's the Lorax. Ooh, and Asian films.

Adam Irving

Adam Irving lives in Manchester, UK. He prefers to be known as 'Irving' “as my first name is far too religious for my liking.” He spent several years as a musician in various touring bands. A collection of his poetry is entitled Coffee Shop Philosophy and is available from or from the publisher Mucusart.

Timothy Kane

Timothy Kane graduated from UCSD with a degree in writing and is currently pursuing his Masters in English. The poem “Honey Stuck” was previously printed in 1994 by Cafe Latte. He has published poems in The 5th Wall and articles for Verbatim and NuWitch.

Margaret Karmazin

Margaret Karmazin's credits include short stories in North Atlantic Review,Virginia Adversaria, Weber Studies, Potato Eyes, Mobius, Reader¹s Break,Medicinal Purposes, Concho River Review, Aim Magazine, Emrys Journal, Chiron Review, West Wind Review, Anthology, Algonquin Roundtable Review, Futures, Carve Magazine, Bellowing Ark, Reflections and more. Her story in Eureka Literary Magazine was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Pipers' Ash Ltd. in England is publishing a chapbook of her sci-fi stories. Her fantasy novel, Bones, is available on She is also an artist with illustrations in SageWoman and A Summer's Reading.

Craig Kirchner

Recent works by Craig Kirchner have appeared in such journals as Subterranean Quarterly, Erosha, Divine Animal, The Blotter, Thunder Sandwich, 3 AM MAGAZINE, Poetry Sz, Dreamvirus, The Moonwort Review, Adagio, Reading Divas, Ink Magazine, Skyline, Haiku Hut, Poetry Repair Shop, and Wicked Alice. He works as a consultant on the east coast but considers himself a hobo of the universe.

Barbara F. Lefcowitz

Barbara F. Lefcowitz has published eight collections of poetry, the most recent, Photo Bomb Red Chair, came out this past spring.   She has also published a novel and individual poems, stories, and essays in over 500 journals, and has won writing fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Rockefeller Foundation, among many others.  She lives in Bethesda, Maryland, and is also a visual artist.

Marcy Lehtinen

Marcy Lehtinen has a master’s degree in creative writing from Eastern Michigan University. Her recent work has appeared in Barbaric Yawp, The Green Tricycle, The Griffin, The Horsethief’s Journal, The Paumanok Review, Thought Magazine and Unbound.

Scott Leslie

Scott Leslie hails from the Great White North. His "troubled little orphans" have been taken under the wing of several publications including Planet Magazine, All Hallows, Blue Murder Magazine, Writual, Crime Scene and Ascent Magazine. His noir story "A String Of Pearls" recently appeared in the audiobook Oscar's Hijack by Blackstone Audio.

William Matthew McCarter

William Matthew McCarter holds a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master's in Liberal Arts. He is currently enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Texas at Arlington. Some of his most recent creative works have appeared in Wilmington Blues, The Indite Circle, and Ascent. In addition to his creative publications, McCarter has recently been invited to present an academic paper, “Homo Redneckus: Redefining White Trash in American Society,” at the National Center for Teachers of English Conference in San Antonio.

Michelle McGrane

Michelle McGrane, a South African poet, has had her poems published in numerous national and international electronic poetry journals, print journals, and anthologies. Her debut collection of poetry, Fireflies & Blazing Stars, was published in December 2002. The collection was runner up for the South African Writers' Circle Quill Award, best book of any category award.

Scott Malby

Scott Malby lives along the Central Oregon coast in a village in his mind called Lost Bay. He's a columnist for four ezines and a reviewer, he was interviewed by Tin Lustre ( His poetry has appeared in Ariga, XConnect, Wiredheart, Tryst, Flashquake, Poetry Superhighway, Babel, and Entropic Desires.

Corey Mesler

One of Corey Mesler's short stories was chosen for the 2002 edition of New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, edited by Shannon Ravenel. His novel-in-dialogue, Talk, is just out from Livingston Press, with advance raves from Lee Smith, Robert Olen Butler, Steve Stern, Debra Spark, Frederick Barthelme, and John Grisham.

Pam Mosher

Pam Mosher's fiction has appeared in Ink Pot, Summerset Review, Pindeldyboz, Wilmington Blues, and other publications. One of her stories placed second in the 2003 Paul Gillette Memorial Writing Contest, and a second story received honorable mention in the 2003 Literary Potpourri writing contest.

Amy E. Ochterski

Amy E. Ochterski grew up in down river Detroit. She moved to Upstate New York, attended and graduated from nursing school, and wasn't more than a week into her student career as an RN when she realized that the pen was mightier than the bedpan. However, mother was ultra persuasive, so she completed her degree and still works in the field. While working full-time as a nurse, she obtained her BA and MA in literature from SUNY Brockport. She now teaches writing full-time at Corning Community College, Corning, New York. She has been crafting stories for years, but never had the courage to send her work out for public review until she saw Joyce Carol Oates lecture at Ithaca College last fall, who inspired Ochterski to get off her duff and send her works out for review.

Jennifer Ombres

Jennifer Ombres was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanina.  She received an M.A. in English from Kansas State University in 2003.  She was an AWP nominee for the New Writing Award in poetry.  She plans to begin the M.F.A. program in poetry at the University of Arkansas this fall.

Vic Perry

Vic Perry's work has appeared in Tarpaulin Sky, Monkeybicycle and nthposition. He is the prose editor at House Taken Over (

Kenneth Pobo

Kenneth Pobo's new book of poetry, Introductions, just appeared from Pearl's Book'Em Press in Atlanta. His work has appeared in 2River View, Three Candles,, Southern Ocean Review, Drexel Online Journal, and elsewhere. His new online chapbook, Postcards from America, can be read at Tamafyhr Mountain Press ( Kenneth teaches English and Creative Writing at Widener University.

Cati Porter

Cati Porter is a poet, artist, and freelance writer. Her poetry has most recently appeared in the fall issue of Poetry Midwest and the winter issue of Banyan Review.

Jennifer Prado

Jennifer Prado has a degree in Fiction Writing from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Her short fiction and essays have appeared in EWG Presents, Fiction Funhouse, Nuvein Magazine, Pindeldyboz, Small Spiral Notebook, The Scream On Line, and Tower of Babel. She is a featured artist of the Spring 2003 issue of The Muse Apprentice Guild. She has recently completed her first novel, Reinventing Julia.

Charles Ries

Charles P. Ries of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has completed a novel based on memory titled, The Fathers We Find: The Making of a Humble, Pleasant Boy. He has published two books of poetry, Bad Monk: Neither Here Nor There and Monje Malo Speaks English both published by Four Sep Publications. His third book of poetry titled, Odd, will be published by Pudding House Publications in 2004. His work was nominated for a 2003 Pushcart Prize. His poems, poetry reviews, and short stories have appeared in over seventy print and electronic publications, including Clark Street Review, Free Verse, Staplegun Press, Latino Stuff Review, Wordriot, Circle Magazine, Pearl, Philadelphia Poets, Pidjin, Thunder Sandwich, Wisconsin Review, Halfdrunk Muse, Remark, Pitchfork, Pudding Magazine, TMPoetry, Dan River Anthology, and Ink Pot. He can be reached at

Ravie Shankar Rajan

The poetry of Ravie Shankar Rajan, a software engineer in Mumbai, India, has appeared in Voicesnet,Poetrylifeandtimes, The Ultimate Hallucination, Subjective Substance, Scrivener's Pen and Lily Ezines. Recently his poem "Mumbai" won the Lizabeth poetry award for 2004.

Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer Robinson's short stories and articles have appeared in Living Well Magazine, The Readerville Journal, Writers Monthly, Poetry Midwest, Full Circle, A Journal of Poetry and Prose, The Acorn Newspaper, Riot Brain Magazine, the anthology Looking Back: Stories of Our Mothers and Fathers in Retrospect (New Brighton Books, 2003), and upcoming in the book Two Faced (John Wiley, Inc., 2004) and Long Story Short. She also received the Los Angeles Daily News Award for Excellence in Writing.

David Schwartz

David Schwartz is the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish Appraisal of Dialogue and coauthor with Jacqueline Winston of Parables In Black and White.

Laurence C. Schwartz

Laurence C. Schwartz has published short fiction in Cochran's Corner, EWG Presents, The Paumanok Review, The Pink Chameleon, American Feed Magazine, and Children, Churches, & Daddies Literary Magazine. He has had several one-act plays produced and the full-length Artaud for Awhile, which is based on the French aesthetician's life and work. He lectures at Hofstra University and resides on Manhattan.

Vidya Srinivas

Vidya Srinivas, a journalist with a business magazine based in Bombay, India, started her writing career in the print media. She spent three disastrous years as a news producer for ABC and NBC affiliates in the Midwest before returning to newspapers at The Des Moines Register in Iowa. She wrote the first two stories of "Under the Hood" nine years ago in a creative writing class, then shelved it. She has been adding and rewriting it for the past four years. She has two daughters and is married to a urologist-oncologist, whom she describes as her in-house critic.

Tom Sheehan

Tom Sheehan has published three novels, the third, Death for the Phantom Receiver, appearing last year. Litpot Press put out his fourth book of poetry, entitled This Rare Earth & Other Flights. He won a Silver Rose Award for short story excellence by American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century (ART), three Pushcart nominations, and Bestoftheweb's 2002 nonfiction competition. He is co-editor of the sold-out 2500-copy edition of A Gathering of Memories, Saugus 1900-2000. He has been the Featured Writer/Poet on Tryst, Spotlight Poet on Eclectica, and his work has appeared in Literary Potpourri, Paumanock Review, Stirring, Samsara, Three Candles, Snowbound, Fiction Warehouse, 3amMagazine, Comrades, Splitshot, Small Spiral Notebook, Megaera, Poor Mojo, Kudzu Monthly, Aileron, Electric Acorn, and SNReview, among others.

Don Stockard

Don Stockard grew up on a homestead and worked as a commercial clam digger, a miner, and a geophysicist. He spent ten years studying math and science at Carnegie Tech, Dartmouth, and Caltech. During the past twelve years he has accumulated more than 200 publishing credits. Softspin Press published a collection of his short stories.

Donna D. Vitucci

Donna D. Vitucci's fiction has appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, Mid-American Review, Southern Indiana Review, Faultline, Natural Bridge, Hawaii Review, The Mochila Review, Zone 3, The Kennesaw Review online, Main Street Rag, Meridian, and others.

Marie Wadsworth

Marie Wadsworth, a journalist, writer and poet, lives in southeastern New Mexico. Readers can visit the Web site of her novel Bryce at Marie recently won second- and third-place in the features category in the Associated Press Newspaper Editors contest. Marie is a member of SouthWest Writers and the Lea County Commission for the Arts. Her poetry has been published in SNReview,, and Excerpts of her works also are available at .

Kelley White

Kelley White is a mother of three, Quaker, inner-city pediatrician for more than twenty years, collector of stray animals and seeker after Buddha nature. Her two full-length poetry collections, The Patient Presents and Late, were published by The People's Press. Her two chapbooks, I am going to walk toward the sanctuary and Against Medical Advice, were put out by Pudding House.

James R. Whitely

James R. Whitley lives in Boston. His poetry, which has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, has appeared in such literary journals as The Caribbean Writer, The Paumanok Review, Poetry Salzburg Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review. His first poetry book Immersion (Lotus Press, 2002) was selected by Lucille Clifton as the winner of the 2001 Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award. His first poetry chapbook Pietà (Pudding House Publications, 2001) was a finalist in both the Summer 2000 National Looking Glass Poetry Chapbook Competition and the Maryland State Poetry & Literary Society's 2000 Chapbook Contest. His second poetry chapbook, The Golden Web, is currently available from Wind River Press.

Deidre Woollard

Deidre Woollard graduated from Spalding University’s MFA in Writing program. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Sojourn, Sundry: A Journal of the Arts, Pebble Lake Review, Coe Review, Phantasmagoria, the Mota IV anthology, and on the and She won second place in the Confluence Fiction Contest for 2003, second place in the Andre Dubus Award in Short Fiction, second and third prize in the Writer’s Challenge Contest 2003, and first place in the Oregon Writer’s Colony Contest. She writes a blog on fiction writing available at and is working on several novels.

Aaron Zimmerman

Aaron Zimmerman's debut novel, By The Time You Finish This Book You Might Be Dead (, was selected as a new and notable book by Poets & Writers magazine. His fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous literary magazines and he holds an MA in Creative Writing from City College.  Zimmerman is the founder and executive director of NY Writers Coalition (  Zimmerman, who lives in Brooklyn, was named one of the "Top 100 New Yorkers of 2003" by New York Resident newspaper for his work with NY Writers Coalition.