
Autumn/Winter 2011

Summer 2010

Spring 2010

Winter 2010

Autumn 2009

Summer 2009

Spring 2009

Autumn 2008

Summer 2008

Spring/Summer 2008

Winter/Spring 2008

Editor's Note



Four Poems
by Allison Whittenberg

Water’s Wine

The balance of bliss is pain
The balance of pain is enlightenment
The balance of enlightenment is more enlightment
The balance of more enlightenment is transcendence
The balance of transcendence is alienation
The balance of alienation is bliss


I tell myself
remind Me
you are gone

Lies are good

But then I want to see you as
You are
But you’re not

Truth is bad

Life slips

Life slips
like two weeks like five years like coupon clippings
From a thick Sunday pull out
Shiny, vivid
Promising bargins in primary colors
Coupons expire
And expire and expire


Though they are numerous
I will grant your wishes
I am your angel
Though my wings are heavy


Allison Whittenberg holds an MA in English from the Univerisity of Wisconsin.  She is a poet  and novelist. Random House published Life Is Fine, Sweet Thang, and Hollywood and Maine. She lives in Philadelphia and has no pets.

Copyright 2011, Allison Whittenberg. © This work is protected under the U.S. copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, reprinted, reused, or altered without the expressed written permission of the author.