In each generation there's only one..

(Velvet Chain, 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer')


'Have you ever noticed that Xander is the only one Giles ever touches?' (JR, while watching 'The Zeppo'.)

     I won an award for this series! 

The Connection Series 




Questions Answered

A series of observations. 'Questions Answered' is the conclusion. (JR, that one is entirely your fault!)


A Christmas Story

Written as a Christmas present for my best friend.

Christmas party at Giles' place.


Six years in various slash fandoms, numerous pairings, countless stories, I never found a pairing that appealed so much to me as this one does.

Dark Alley

Xander goes investigating on his own. Not wise...

Revenge Is Mine

Xander decides on some revenge.

Sequel to 'Dark Alley'.

The Big Bad

Xander tells Spike about his time as a vampire.


Part one

Part two

Xander goes to a concert. Future Fic.

Emotions (WIP)

Series of Drabbles

Turning Point (WIP)

Spike has to fight for Xander. With Giles

This will eventually be a S/X/G story.

Part 1 - 4

Part 5 - 8

Part 9 -11

Part 12 - 13

Part 14 - 15

Part 16


One Night

A silly fic and the first non slash story I've ever written. 


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