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Greetings to all, warmly welcome to Secrets!
This is a personal website that is about me, my friends and some stuffs that i would like to share with. I will keep on updating my website so remember to check out here as u may get something unexpected! In the meanwhile, pls enjoy!

MediaCorp8 starting from 8th July 2003(every Monday and Tuesday 12.45pm), showing the korean drama "Beautiful Days". Although I had seen it before, but it still attracted me to watch it again. It is a very nice and touching show. If you had your time, do watch it! 
Another recommendation will be "Romance". One of the top rated drama in 2002, it's a romantic story about a teacher and a student falls in love without knowing each other identity. Once again, if you have the time, do watch it! (every Monday and Tuesday 11.45pm MediaCorp8)
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