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Sammi and Laura's stupid conversations
Monday, 22 March 2004
March 22, 2004
Laura: so when are you turning into a man?
Sammi: this summer
Laura: u should go to camp jim
Sammi: yeah
Laura: to be a male cheerleader
Sammi: OMGOSH YES!!!

(yes, this is an inside joke)

Posted by zine2/scandll at 8:51 PM EST
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
March 21, 2004
Laura: where have u been all my life?
Sammi: i have been here, waiting
Laura: waiting for what?
Sammi: i don't know, it just sounded like a good answer

Laura: hahahah i spelt stupid wrong on the web site
Laura: wow i feel smart
Sammi: that was u??!!
Sammi: i went to do more of it, and i was like, i didn't write that

Sammi: yes!!
Sammi: go Laura!!
Laura: its wonderful!!
Laura: aint it?
Laura: why do people say ain't isnt a word?
Laura: it is in the dictionary!
Sammi: its a new edition
Sammi: recently added to the dictionary as most of the general public (aka hicks) started to use it as their most popular word
Laura: oh yes, the masses
Laura: exactly. the masses

Laura: im gonna try it again
Sammi: yes, if you fall off that horse you should get right back on.
Laura: why should i get back on? what if it kicks me? if it kicks me, and i get back on, can i kick its butt?
Sammi: if you kick its but, it will probably throw u off
Laura: then should i get back on?
Sammi: no
Laura: then wuts with the metaphor?
Sammi: i give up
Laura: it is an interesting concept
Sammi: alright. i have thought it out. if you are putting yourself in a situation in which u are going to hurt yourself further (getting kicked by a horse) then you SHOULD NOT subject yourself to that
Laura: hmm
Sammi: like u should never, ever jump off a building
Laura: what if some guy was chasing u with a gun?
Sammi: well depending on which way you want to die (gun shot wound, jumping off a building), i suppose which ever you want is acceptable
Laura: but see, the guy could miss and hit your leg OR you could survive the fall

Laura: you rock my world
Sammi: u rock mine to
Laura: that could cause a lot of earthquakes

Posted by zine2/scandll at 7:37 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 21 March 2004 8:12 PM EST
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