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Hi! My name is Judy and I'm 22 years old. This is my collection of the Darren and Daniel slash stories I've written. I think they would make the best couple and in my heart I know they belong with each other, and maybe they all ready are a couple? Well just have to wait and see;)

This site contains stories with stong sexual content and relationships between the two boys, so if you don't like slash, this isn't the site for you. In case your wondering Slash is gay coupling.

A few things. Please use the back button when you are done reading a story, it makes it a whole lot easier so I don't have to link back to home on every page. Also, if a story doesn't have The End written at the end of it, then chances are there is more to come and you can keep checking back for updates. The drabbles and ficlets are done even without The End at the end though. Plus, some stories I may forget to write The End, but for the most part I do. Thank you, it is much appreciated. There will be more stories to come as well.

Well, I hope you enjoy! There is a different picture of the boys on every page, except for the page that has my stories continued. I ran out of pictures for my newer work! So check it out.

So, if you don't have any problems with the things I've mentioned and would like to read my stories, then please come on in! Thanks!

Love Always,


My Stories
Drabbles and Ficlets
Poll Results
My Paint Shop Pro Artwork
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