Jim O'Rourke, Baseball Hall of Famer | |||||||||||||||
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(Excerpt from An Irish Odyssey- History of the Family of O'Rourke by Stephen V. O'Rourke 'Jim O'Rourke-Baseball Pioneer')
In the annals of baseball history few players have a chapter as unique as James Henry O'Rourke (1850-1919) At the age of fifteen Jim O'Rourke began his life long associaction with organized base-ball by joining the Bridgeport Unions, a year later he joined one of the regions outstanding amateur clubs The Middletown Mansfields. Five years later in 1872 the Mansfields became a professional club. Before the Mansfields manager Ben Douglas could get Jim O'Rourke's signature on a professional contract however he was informed by Jim's mother that a replacement farm hand would have to be provided at the O'Rourke homestead. One was found by Mr. Douglas and after this early base-ball transaction the career of James Henry began in earnest. That first year would not be successful, at least not for the Mansfields. They would win only five of their twenty-four league games and would be forced to disband at the seasons end. O'Rourke however had made an impression, andwith the right folks. He'd played extremely well against the champion Boston Red Stockings (late of Cinicinnati) and before the start of the 1873 season was offered a contract from the Boston manager,baseball pioneer Harry Wright. The twenty-two year old O'Rourke was flattered, and after dutifully conferring with his amiable mother a contract with Boston was signed. Exhilirated at joining a new team, in a new city, O'Rourke delved into the game and helped Boston to three straight championships. Although initially there was some slight anxiety shown by Manager Wright as to how well Puritanical Boston would take to the Irishman from Bridgeport. Wright made the suggestion that O'Rourke alter the spelling in his surname to something more English looking, like Roarke or Rorke. The "orator" would have none of it. "Not in a million years. I'd rather die than give up part of my father's name." he declared. And so it remaned O'Rourke. As the 1870's progressed and the sport of base-ball evolved into a more stable entity so too did the person of James Henry O'Rourke. At the urging of his mother O'Rourke used his base-ball earnings to further his education. Possesedwith a keen intellect he took up the study of law and eventually earned a degree from the prestigious Yale Law School in New Haven. With his degree he opened a private practive back in Bridgeport, a practice that would serve as his alternative career straight up until his death. Matrimony would also be part of O'Rourke's undertakings during this time and he'd eventually raise a family of eight children (seven would be daughters!) at the O'Rourke homestead in East Bridgeport. Always community minded O'Rourke would don the caps of Fire, Sewer and Paving Commissioner in the town of Bridgeport as well. Three more successful seasons in Boston were followed in 1879 with a move to Providence and another championship. Meanwhile back in Boston another O'Rourke, Jim's younger brother John had followed in his footsteps and dazzled the Boston crowd with his impressive hitting skills. John in fact led the league in several categories that year and became a fan favorite. Despite winning the championship in Providence Jim saw the possibilties of playing along side his brother on the same field and returned to the Red Stockings for the 1880 season. Together the two brothers became celebrities, the Chicago Tribune calling them "two fastidious young men."These were the days when ball players were virtual folk heros, when an uproar was caused by the Boston owner when he instituted a clause into the player's contract, essentially forcing them to pay for their own uniforms, the "O'Rourke fan club" came to the brothers aid providing them with the $40 fee. The union of the two brothers would be shortlived however. John would injure himself by stepping in a hole in the Boston outfield, severely dislocating his ankle and cutting his baseball career short but a year later. Jim meanwhile, his popularity rising as he tied for the National League homerun title in 1880, was offered the managerial post out in Buffalo and for the next four seasons held down the reins there on a team that included such l9th century stars as Dan Brouthers, Pud Galvin and Deacon White. Jim himself would have one of the finest seasons of his career in Buffalo, winning the batting championship in 1884 with a .350 average. But Buffalo would never finish higher than third place and the championship minded O'Rourke longed to be back in the limelight and back closer to his family in East Bridgeport. O'Rourke would get his wish in 1885 when Jim Mutrie, the manager of the famed New York Giants, offered him a contract. Jim needed little prodding, this Giant team featured no less than six future Hall of Famers, and all including O'Rourke were in peak form at this point in their careers. Buck Ewing, Roger Connor, Monte Ward, Tim Keefe and Smilin' Mickey Welch all excelled on that great Giant team of the 1880's, winning two hard fought championships in 1888 and 1889. Fellow lawyer and close personal friend Monte Ward was the leading figure in the formation of the first players union, known as "The brotherhood". In 1890 Ward orchestrated one of the games greatest victories over the dictatorial owners by launching the Players League.; a league owned and operated by the players themselves. Virtually the entire Giant team crossed over to the new league including Jim O'Rourke who responded with his highest batting average of his career, a hefty .366. Finances however weren't as hefty for the new league and the Players League ceased to exist when 1891 dawned. Along with Ward and Albert Spaulding Jim O'Rourke provided the game with a sort of high brow intellect persona which countered the games other styles of the day,'ie. drinking and gambling. From his days of managing Jim left us this memorable quote when asked by one of his players for a pay increase. ";I'm sorry, but the exigencies of the occassion and the condition of our exchequer will not permit anything of the sort at this period of our existence. Subsequent developments in the field of finance may remove the present gloom and we may emerge into a condition where we may see fit to reply in the affirmative to your exceedingly modest request." In other words, "no". After the demise of the Players League O'Rourke and most of the rest of the stars that had fled the National League returned to their former clubs in 1891. After two more succesful seasons with the Giants O'Rourke left for Washington D.C. in 1893 where he both managed and played the outfield . It was to be his last full year in the Major Leagues. Much to his chagrin his career would end on a down note as his Washington Nationals finished dead last. In 1894 he became a National League umpire but finding the work not to his liking he returned to Bridgeport and established a minor league team in the Bridgeport Victors. Along with the team came a new league, the Victor League, formed by O'Rourke and fellow prominent businessmen of the area. Later the league would be renamed the Connecticut League and survives to this day as the Eastern League . He yearned to go out a winner, to play his final Major League game on a Champion. Finally in 1904 he made his move, down to New York he travelled to the office of his old friend, the Giant Manager John McGraw. McGraw was his own man and not easy to sway but he found O'Rourke's plea to be a noble one, afterall was it not O'Rourke who'd help the Giants to their original glory back in the 1880's with clutch hitting and steady fielding. Yes O'Rourke could play one more game for the Giants, he would catch and bat 7th in the first game of the September 21, doubleheader. In typical storybook fashion O'Rourke's last game was memorable. In four trips to the plate he got one basehit, scored a run and was the oldest batterymate in Major League history to the pitcher, "Iron Man"Joe McGinnity. It was the Giants 100th victory of the season and secured their championship status. Uncle Jeems had fulfilled his wish on his own particular "field of dreams" and had concluded his playing career on a National League Champion. His full schedule with the Victor League, now the Eastern League, was maintained throughout the remainder of the decade, a hectic pace that O'Rourke would eventually give up on advice from his doctor after a severe illness in the winter of 1909. In 1910 he sold his beloved Victors and also made his final appearance as a player, at the age of 59, concluding a period of 36 consecutive seasons in which he played in at least one game. The "Orator" would spend his final years in his hometown of Bridgeport, continuing his legal practice and being briefly employed as a consultant for the National League. He died on January 8, 1919 of pnuemonia after a long walk home in a snowstorm from one of his clients. In 1945 Jim O'Rourke, a man whose career spanned four decades, included a career batting average of .310, over 2300 basehits, stints as manager, umpire, League President and owner, was elected into the The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. |
James Henry O'Rourke (1850-1919). The first man to get a basehit in Major League history and the oldest man, at age 54, as well. Jim aka Orator O'Rourke, aka Uncle Jeems, played professional ball until he was 60 and appeared as a player in 36 consecutive seasons. In total he had over 2300 hits and a .314 average. A Yale graduate, O'Rourke was one of the highest paid players of his day, earning some $4500 per season. | |||||||||||||||
Jim O'Rourke'scareer statistics can be found at this interesting site. | |||||||||||||||
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WANT MORE! BUY An Irish Odyssey- A History of the Family of O'Rourke by Stephen Vincent O'Rourke - a detailed account of the history surrounding the O'Rourke surname.. If your surname is O'Rourke or one of its' variants or if you are friends with an O'Rourke, you owe it to yourself to buy this unique book. Written, researched and edited by Irish-American Stephen Vincent O'Rourke this book is the first history of the family written by one of it's own.
Higginson Books of Salem, MA is offering this title on a print-to order book as a softcover or hardcover. |
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