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Void Of silence - criteriaof666

Void of silence are an Italian outfit with links to that other carnival bizarre act Aborym. VOS create horrific Deathsscapes of doom and dark wave, highly morbid extremely grim. Samples, industrial noises, synths and choirs swirl in the mix creating a really dense and harrowing atmosphear.
Vocals range from a distorted spoken word through monk like chanting and blackish screams. The album starts with opus one velocity,electricity,Tvnecro this is a sound collage of sped up and slowed down radio and TV samples, distant voices and noises, not particularly original but none the less eeri.
The first guitar track is “with no half measures” beginning with choir and noise and lurching into a doom ladened grind with black metal vocals and other otherworldly orchestral and choir samples. It could do with being a bit heavier, the effects and samples sometimes drown out the guitars.
The solos are especially good on the third track and throughout the album the lead guitar work is creative and provides a suitably grim atmosphere. The first six tracks are deffinatly the best, the remaining four songs not quite as involving with track seven victory moving into a acoustic skinny puppy hybrid feel and rather silly sounding zombie vocals.
The use of strange sound effects and samples is exceptional throughout all the songs. The use of manipulated choirs and monks is reminiscent of current93s early work, and in fact the album has been compared to a hybrid of early current93 and Aborym. Deffinatly a classic in its shear blackened grimness, and a good companion of Aboryms Fire walk with us.