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Your Healthy Cat & Dog

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Molly's Wonky World
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Bill and Julio
The Furball
The Love of Molly's Life
A Cat's Declaration of Rights

Your Healthy Dog or Cat

Molly is "Everypet" to me. She represents all the animals we take into our homes, barns, garages, sheds, doghouses or whatever. The minute they step into our homes, they are completely at our mercy. We decide when they will go out and how, what sort of bathroom facilities they will have, what food they will eat, whether they will have the joy of reproducing or not, and what help, if any, they will have should they fall ill.
I know people who have killed their pets with kindness: too many shots, too much food, too many treats, too much attention, too many rules.
This site is dedicated to helping you give your pets what you most want for them: a happy life. It talks about all the things I have found and learned over the years that make life on someone else's terms better. Most of this site suggests that you do less, rather than more, spend less, work less, fuss less, so you can play more, teach more, enjoy more.
The happiest sight for a parent or a pet owner is to see their child or pet looking healthy, glowing, happy. Even if you use just one idea from this site, you will have gone further toward that moment.

b>The Ultimate Enhanced Dog Food
This dog food, with the meat content raw or cooked, has made me the sun, moon and stars to the dogs I know well. It is based on knowledge of how a dog's digestion works, foods needed to deal with bacteria, itching, etc., and the cost is less than $5 a week for a medium dog.
Cost: $2.00 Send a request for the address, then mail $2 for an email attachment or in body of email

Doggy Treat Brushes Teeth
Dr. Stanley Coren on "Good Dog" came up with this when someone wrote asking about doggy breath. He said, give your dog a raw carrot as a treat in the morning. It will help clean its teeth of the placque which contributes to bad breath. May I add, it will also help cleanse his digestive tract, which is a further cause of bad breath. Your dog may be so accustomed to having his food in bite sizes it won't know how to chew a carrot. Cut it into pieces.
Homemade Chew toys
Dr. Coren says roll up a face cloth, wet it with water and freeze it. Dogs love to chew it and for puppies, the cold soothes the itching of their gums, which is what makes them chew in the first place. When it thaws out, rinse, recharge with water, and freeze again.
Feeding Your Healthy Cat or Dog Naturally
The story of how I learned what cats need is found in The Furball. These are methods I developed from the advice of my knowledgeable pet shop owner, friends who are into health food and herbs, and totally valuable internet research.

Having Babies and Other Interesting Conditions There are herbs and minerals you can add to your cat's food during pregnancy to make birth easier and for stronger, bigger babies.
Contact Us to request the address, then send $2 for Having Babies Plus
Molly's Wonky World
Molly is the cat who ambushed me and made me fall totally in love with her. She is a powerful character, an indomitable warrior princess, and these are her stories.
A Cat's Declaration of Rights
The Furball

Bill and Julio
The Love of Molly's Life

Practical Care
Common Sense
Lots of pet owners are killing their pets with too much care.
Ear Mites, Fleas, Nerves, Itching are covered for now in the article Common Sense available for $2 by sending an email request for the address, mailing $2, and giving your email address .
Click here
Molly's Dolly
Molly, who knew nothing in the world but battle and her babies, adored this doll and attacked it day and night. My friend's cat, however, loved it as a cat should. White arctic fleece stuffed with arctic fleece.

Julio's Action Figure
Julio never mentioned his action cat, but I understand it is ragged and beloved after a few years.

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Use This Site at Your Own Risk. The information provided here is as good and as accurate as I can make it. I have also tried to give the kind of advice about gentleness and love that will prevent hurting your pet, but I assume no liability of any kind. Copyright and TM A.J. Friesen 2001