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Some of Mr. Jaeger's Creations

Please feel free to look around and see what Mr. Jaeger writes when he gets a chance. Remember that if you use these or any other internet resources without proper citation, you are technically stealing, and you'd also be hurting my feelings.

My poems

A short FICTION (read 12-03) '03
Crayola Curriculum Contended '03
May 7th, 2004: Jason (read 12-04) '04
Standard Translation or What the WKCE Means to Me '03
The dogs were in the halls at MFHS '03
On Reading Poems '04
The Tease '95
Mr. C '94
In the Year 2222... '96
Don't Look: a poem about a girl from (of all places) Menomonee Falls '96
Inspiration From Asunder '93
Bling Bling in the T-Lounge/ An Ode to Teachers Everywhere '04
She Said----He Said (for Anna) '00

My short bios

Dominique Holloway (read 2-05) '05
Charlie Jones (read 2-04)

My essays/ other

A unique letter of resignation '95
An Art Gallery Review '94
My senior year of H.S. paper about Jesus and His family '94
Over-cited essay about being a peasant in Europe '95
Sociology Paper--Senior Year HS '94
Essay on Busing--Senior Year '93
Letter of Complaint= Free stuff from Victoria's Secret