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With the Nation on Alert, it is obvious that we as individuals need to be on a Heightened state of Alert as well. Individual Life is too precious to leave totally in the hands of others.

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Excerpts from: Vitamin C Foundation @

Vitamin C Should be Used to Fight Bacterial Infections, Including Anthrax

Ultra High doses of the Free Radical Scavenger Vitamin C should be used to treat victims of bacteriologic warfare. Millions may die if the medical profession does not get with it.

How To Prepare For Biological Armageddon

The threat of biological warfare is real and concern over preparedness of the civilian population and medical professionals is growing. There is virtually no practical way that vaccines, antibiotics or other treatment can be delivered to a frightened populace in a timely manner during a crisis. The current strategy of having an unprotected citizenry travel to physicians' offices or hospitals to receive prophylactic care or treatment is unfeasible. The public must be armed with preventive or therapeutic agents in their vehicles, homes and the workplace. Natural antibiotics and antitoxins are well documented in the medical literature, but overlooked by health authorities. These antidotes are readily available for the public to acquire and place in an emergency biological response kit.

Bill Sardi, Health Journalist Explains: A recent report revealed that up to 42 percent of young Americans don't even consume 60 milligrams of vitamin C a day, the amount needed to prevent scurvy. Many older adults poorly absorb vitamin C and exhibit overt symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, such as easy skin bruising, bleeding gums, black and blue marks on the back of their hands, chronic bronchitis, and anemia, and yet their doctors never even think of asking about vitamin C consumption. You will need 300 milligrams of vitamin C per day to prevent cataracts (men live 6 years longer taking this much vitamin C, which is equal to about 6 oranges per day). A recent study shows 500 milligrams of vitamin C per day would eliminate the need for blood-pressure lowering-medications. Most Americans ought to be taking 2000+ milligrams of vitamin C, preferably as a buffered mineral ascorbate (calcium or magnesium ascorbate) which is easier on the stomach.


After 40 years research, Irwin Stone unfolds his startling conclusion that an ancient genetic mutation has left the primate virtually alone among animals in not producing ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in his own body. By treating it as a "minimum daily requirement" instead of the missing metabolite it really is, we are living in a state of sub-clinical scurvy whose symptoms have been attributed to other ailments. The answer is to change our thinking about Vitamin C and consume enough to replenish this long lost "healing factor." Stone illustrates, with massive documentation, Vitamin C's remarkable ability to fight disease, counteract the ill effects of pollution and prolong healthy life -- easily and inexpensively!

With a Scientific Health Solutions Membership, you can obtain the Master Formula II for only $7.00 a month supply.

Formula II
1590 mg Vit C as Sodium Ascorbate
1025 mg Vit C as Calcium Ascorbate
1000 mg Vit C as Potassium Ascorbate
600 mg Citrus Bioflavonoids
33 mg Silicon Dioxide

Per Vitamin C Foundation: It is unpatriotic and sympathizing with the terrorist for MDs not to learn how to use ascorbate.
Order today and tell a friend.

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