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Title Author Publisher Year Condition Comments Price
Fee, Fei, Fo, Fum Aylesworth, John Avon 1963 Good   $2.00
Starburst Bester, Alfred Signet 1965 Fair Collection $2.00
Space by the Tale Bixby, Jerome Ballantine 1964 VG Collection $3.00
The Mind Thing Brown, Fredric Bantam 1961 VG   $3.00
From This Day Forward Brunner, John DAW 1973 Good Collection $1.00
The World Swappers Brunner, John Ace 1959 Good   $2.00
The Unexpected Dimension Budrys, Algis Ballantine 1960 VG Collection $2.00
Cycle of Fire Clement, Hal Ballantine 1957 G   $2.00
The Wall Around the World Cogswell, Theodore Pyramid 1962 VG Collection $3.00
Masters of the Maze Davidson, Avram Pyramid 1965 Good   $2.00
Robots & Changelings Del Rey, Lester Ballantine 1957 VG Collection $4.00
Idle Pleasures Effinger, George Alec Berkeley 1983 G Collection (sports SF) $2.00
No Doors, No Windows Ellison, Harlan Pyramid 1975 Good Collection $4.00
Paingod Ellison, Harlan Pyramid 1965 Good Collection $3.00
Gates of Creation Farmer, Philip Jose Ace 1966 F   $3.00
The Gate of Time Farmer, Philip Jose Belmont 1966 VG   $3.00
Kothar & the Wizard Slayer Fox, Gardner Belmont 1970 G   $1.00
Station in Space Gunn, James Bantam 1958 VG Collection $3.00
The Blind Spot Hall, Austin & Flint, Homer Ace   VG   $4.00
Pilgrimage Henderson, Zenna Avon 1961 VG   $4.00
When The Star Kings Die Jakes, John Ace 1967 G   $1.00
Transfinite Man Kapp, Colin Berkley 1964 Good   $2.00
The Second Book of Fritz Leiber Leiber, Fritz Daw 1975 F Collection $2.00
Wine of the Dreamers MacDonald, John D. Fawcett 1951 Fair Back cover scratched $3.00
Earth's Last Citadel Moore & Kuttner Ace 1943 G   $2.00
Masque World Panshin, Alexei Ace 1969 Good   $1.00
The Impossibles Phillips, Mark Pyramid 1963 Fair   $1.00
Critical Mass Pohl & Kornbluth Bantam 1977 VG Collection $2.00
Gladiator-At-Law Pohl & Kornbluth Ballantine 1955 VG   $3.00
Alternating Currents Pohl, Fred Ballantine 1956 VG Collection $3.00
The Mindwarpers Russell, Eric Frank Lancer 1965 VG   $3.00
Island of Fear Sambrot, William Pocketbooks 1963 F Collection $2.00
Hidden Variables Sheffield, Charles Ace 1981 VG Collection $3.00
The Underpeople Smith, Cordwainer Pyramid 1968 G   $3.00
Doomsday Wing Smith, George H. Monarch 1963 G   $1.00
The Unending Night Smith, George H. Monarch 1964 VG   $2.00
The Complete Venus Equilateral Smith, George O. Del Rey 1976 G Collection $3.00
The Square Root of Man Tenn, William Ballantine 1968 VG Collection $3.00
Time in Advance Tenn, William Bantam 1958 Poor Collection $1.00
The Long Loud Silence Tucker, Wilson Dell 1952 VG   $2.00
Destination: Universe Van Vogt, A.E. Signet 1953 G Collection $3.00
The Silkie Van Vogt, A.E. Ace 1969 Good A corner clipped $1.00
The Languages of Pao Vance, Jack Ace 1958 Good   $3.00
The Chaos Fighter Williams, Robert Moore Ace 1955 VG   $1.00 44