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Draft Coverage

Welcome to the first column for the FIC NFL Keeper League. I'm Ben Mild with Justin Owens and we will disect the draft. We will post daily with each round completion until the entire draft is complete. So, that means if you want to be updated on the picks that you need to check in with us daily. We will disect each pick with what will affect their play and how they will do for the money that they will earn on their respective teams. I will handle odd number picks and Justin Owens will handle all of the even number picks. Let get this think started.

1-1 Ladainian Tomlinson (Limey): Alright, a nice pick. He is a first rounder but, right now is he a first pick, first rounder? I can't really say. I think he will pay off but, at the time is a stretch for $8 Million. Well, I guess it depends how you look at it. He is very young and, one of the best Running Backs at his young age but, young also means unproven in the sense of durability and longevity.

1-2 Marshall Faulk (toddeddy): Okay well for 8 Million you better assume that he's worth every penny. This in my view could and could not be a great pick at this point in time. If he stays healthy you got a 1000 yard rusher and a reciever who could be close to leading your team...but if it's anything like last season...I'd have gotten a Priest Holmes...

1-3 Priest Holmes (Primetime360): Two words, "Bo Jackson." If you saw his season ending injury last year you know what I am talking about. It looked exactly like it but, the injury wasn't to the extent that Bo's was. Now, there is a major part of the body that a Running Back needs. It extends from his hips down. Priest hurt his hips, I guess Primetime can only pray that it wasn't too the extent that will cause him to lose any of his quickness or his moves. This is yet another position player that might be too expensive because of his history.

1-4 Ricky Williams (bucksbeat): Going with the running back trend that was also the first three picks. Okay don't get me wrong, Ricky is an amazing running back and tore up the league this year...but why did it take him so long? But he seems comfortable with Miami and I see him worth the 8 Million...whoa...8 Million? Okay maybe not that much...

1-5 Donovan Mcnabb (Gigantor): Is this a trend? Selecting superstars that couldn't play the whole season because of injury? However, I think that Mcnabb will be the least affected. When he got injured he stayed in the game and really lit it up. However, after that he missed the rest of the regular season. I don't know how that works out. You keep a player in right after he gets injured, he plays great, and then after a weeks rest you decide that he isn't fit to go the rest of the way. That baffles me. But, he did get playoff action and played in the Pro Bowl so he might not be as rusty come next year as I think. You have to look at the unprototypical Quarterbacks. They are dangerous to have. Players like Mcnabb and Vick can get hurt easily so it causes them to miss an extended period of time. For $6 he is a bargain. Although, there is a chance that he could be a disaster.

1-6 Shaun Alexander (quiksilver): Let's just hope this Seattle running back can get passed this last off season. He followed the trend of every other Seattle player and heated up in the second half when it didn't mean good is he when the spotlight is on him? If you don't get what I'm saying, watch him in Monday Night Football, he's worth every penny.

1-7 Peyton Manning (Sleeper): Guess what, a freaking Kicker questions this guys heart. I guess it is bad news when a teams kicker stands front and center and chews out his teams quarterback. Are the things that were said about Manning true? Probably not. Remember they came from a guy that can't block, catch, tackle, throw, or do anything else for that matter except kick. Manning throws a ton of interceptions but, has a high powered offense to score him a lot of touchdowns. Manning, in his 20's is the mirror image of Favre in his 30's minus the heart that Favre has to win. Manning has to be more consistent for him to be worth the whopping $8 Million dollars that he will earn every season. Frankly, I don't think he is worth it.

1-8 Deuce McAllister (duke_devil): The Deuce is loose! Man I love hearing John Madden say that, and heck he's a star in that game. He'll get you 1000 yards easily, but for 7 Million dollars? I expected him to go early, but not this early...I can name at least 4 better running backs out being Ahman Green...

1-9 Michael Vick (Rusty): Alright, is he worth it? I guess depending on who you ask, you will get a different answer each time. He has a strong arm and is quick as hell. But, he lacks the brains of a QB. He doesn't have the feel for the game that the top Quarterbacks have. He isn't very accurate and runs too much. If he loses his legs due to age or injury, he will be a mediocre Quarterback at best. What Vick lacks, you can't teach. He will never be a true Quarterback and Rusty can only hope that his legs remain strong. Or else, he just blew $7 Million.

1-10 Jeff Garcia (iceman): Great choice and I'm going to tell you why. Getting rid of Mariucci was a blessing in disguise hopefully for all the San Fran fans...Hopefully know they will return to what got them to the stature they are today...and that is the West Coast Offense...getting Garcia OUTSTANDING numbers...

2-1 Ahman Green (Iceman): A strong runner that punishes everyone who gets in his way. He did miss a couple of games last year due to a concussion and a sprained knee but, overall he is a very dependable runner. He is a very good pick at this point in the draft. I see him only getting better. The Packers throw around 65% of the time and run the rest. That's a pretty good ratio to get success out of the running game. He is worth $7 Million because he is young and really has power.

2-2 Terrell Owens (rusty): Man am I glad to see him be the first wide reciever taken! This man is pure football, I'm guessing he bleeds leather. I mean this guy has all the tools to be a great wide-reciever...oh and did I mention San Fran is most likely returning to the West Coast Offense?

2-3 Marvin Harrison (duke_devil): I would put him in as the 2nd best WR in the league. Right behind Terrell Owens. He is a steal in the second round believe it or not. He may be getting older but, with age comes experience. Just ask Jerry Rice. Are his best years behind him? Actually, I would bet that his best years are ahead. He will take the Colts as far as Peyton Manning throws to him. It's that simple. He is for real, and will remain that way for a while.

2-4 Clinton Portis (sleeper): Probably the best up and coming football player in the NFL, yes better than Shockey. This guy was a rookie who rushed for over a thousand yards and did awesome in recieving...he's a perfect all around player...and he's one hell of a blocker to. Easily worth the 6 Million...

2-5 Aaron Brooks (quiksilver): A bum shoulder really hurt him last year. He was in complete agony each time that he threw the ball. This guy is really tough and might be worth more then $7 Million over time. A lot of great QB's have been molded by Mike Holmgren, he is one of them. Brooks fans be glad that he got out of Green Bay. If he hadn't, he wouldn't see the field for as long as Brett Favre decides to play. The offseason will help his shoulder. Expect him to be 100% next year and to really light it up.

2-6 Curtis Martin (gigantor): Decent pick, but who else was really left at Running Back? I could have seen a Corey Dillon being picked, but with his future un-certain and Curtis Martin only costing 5 Million, it was a pretty good steal. If he does what he did two years ago...he'll dominate...but heck he is always good for 1000 yards.

2-7 Brett Favre (bucksbeat): Well, he's going to be 34 during the season. Why do superstars have to get old? He isn't quite Rich Gannon or Jerry Rice old but, you get the pictures. However, he is a 34 year old who plays like he is 21. It kind of defies everything we know about aging. At $6 Million he could be a steal because he seems to be steadily getting better with age. He has gotten wiser but, still makes mistakes. He has something you can't teach, that is the biggest heart and the most competitive attitude in the league. If getting in the face of a defensive lineman had any fanatical league impact, he would be the only person you would need on your team to win the league. The only thing that should be feared about him going this early is how long he will play. For the last two years all we have heard about is retirement. Not from him, but from the press. However, what is going on in his head? When will it happen. Personally, I hope he plays another 6 years.

2-8: Rich Gannon (primetime360): You know the first thing that comes to mind when I hear Rich Gannon is OLD..but look at what he does the older he gets? I mean it's almost to the point where I hope his birthday hits so he can get that much BETTER. Great pick at this piont...surprised he didn't go earlier.

2-9 Travis Henry (Toddeddy): He might have gone a little early. It all depends if the Buffalo Billse decide to be pass heavy or to even it out a little more. A respectable, young, running back that has his best days ahead of him if it is promoted. However, it is the Bills. They have never had a truly great Running Back. The closest was Thurman Thomas but, he wasn't very good. The Bills need to learn to mold a Running Back for his salary of $6 Millions to really pay off.

2-10 Corey Dillon (quiksilver from limey): Great RB. I mean we have all seen what this guy can do when he's focused. But with the problems in Cincinatti...can he stay focused? The safest bet would be to say that he gets traded and goes to a team with an offensive line...until then you can't expect him to be like a Marshall Faulk or Priest Holmes...but great pick for a 2nd rounder...

3-1 Chad Pennington (Limey): Who lit the fire under his ___? I mean Vinny Testeverde takes the bench and Pennington plays like a seasoned veteran superstar. It is truly amazing from where you will find great players. There was no doubt that he was going to be good out of Marshall but, this soon? The Jets are a very good team because of him and it is nice to see. He will put up the numbers and believe it or not is a bargain for $5 Million. A nice pick that will pay off right away! Good job eyeing this guy up this yearly in the draft.

3-2 Drew Bledsoe (toddeddy): We all saw what Drew can do when he has a good recieving core and a secure starting job, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him do that again this year. I was shocked he was picked before some of the other QB's that were available, aka Tom Brady...but I guess toddeddy has a soft spot for the underdogs...but not sure if he's worth 6 Million.

3-3 Randy Moss (Primetime360): This guy has no character at all. Playing football and the game of football is about as important to him as the wife is to an ex-US President. I'm not mentioning any names. Isn't CLINTON portis good? Anyways, he has all the talent in the world and still produces even though his lack of interest. He will produce for Primetime. But, he will go on with rants and raves the rest of his career. He is a nice pick-up.

3-4 Joe Horn (bucksbeat): Great pick and I'll tell you why. Aaron Brooks seems to be one of the hottest young QB's who can pass and throw...and guess who happens to be his favorite target? Joe Horn is a great reciever and easily worth 7 Mil in my view.

3-5 Peerless Price (Gigantor): Who would have thought that this guy would be affected the way he was by the arrival of Drew Bledsoe? He turned from unblossomed talent into one of the best in the league. Part of one of the best duo's in football. Bledsoe will continue with his great arm and Price will benefit. A definite steal at $4 Million.

3-6 William Green (limey from quicksilver): This is a promising rookie, not sure if I would have picked him third round or not, but I'm afraid if limey didn't, someone else would, even though many better running backs were left. Green will probably get the up and coming Browns a 1000 yard season next year...maybe. It's the fact he only recieved 113 yards last season that scares me. But at only 3 mil, heck, why not?

3-7 Hines Ward (Sleeper): Hoping for a good passing game from the Steelers with Kordell Stewart was about as realistic as seeing Hugh Heffner handle his multiple girlfriends without extensive use of Viagra. But, Tommy Maddox changed everything after the XFL crumbled before our eyes. The man can't take a hit but, he can really turn on the light that was inside of Hines Ward's head. Maddox can't take a hit so Hines is a gamble. If Maddox goes down the Steelers passing game might go extinct once again.

3-8 Eric Moulds (duke_devil): Great pick in my mind. Wide Recievers are hard to come by these least the ones who will dominate year after year. Moulds, as long as he has a good QB back there, will do fine. With Bledsoe calling his shots he should do all right, the only thing I worry about is Peerless Price...he's finally starting to show up...might be a threat in the old stat column...

3-9 Edgerrin James (Rusty): In fact a great Running Back. He isn't as reliable as some because of his injury record. Two bad knees equals trouble. However, that is all behind him and he has a new chance to prove himself. He is only listed at $5 Million because of his injury record. If he could stay healthy he would definitely be at $8 million. Time will tell if this was a great pick or a bust.

3-10 Tiki Barber (iceman): Okay given it's taken him awhile to finally burst out of his shell, but it's finally the time when he's realizing that he's the feature back. It took him awhile, but he knows this time is going to ride on his legs as long as they can take him, and as long as he can adjust to that, he's worth every dollar of that 6 Million iceman paid for him.

4-1 Jeremy Shockey (Iceman): Maybe the strongest offensive man in the league. He is just sick with the hits that he lays on people who have the intention of hitting him. You have to wonder if him hitting people will affect him in the long run. Unless he has a hard head, it is dangerous to always try to afflict punishment. Offensive players that control the ball are taught to avoid contact if at all possible. Shockey does the exact opposite but, we love to watch him because of it. Anyways, he will be good. Kerry Collins will find him over the middle a lot. A Pro Bowler as a rookie, he will be a gem for Iceman.

4-2 Amani Toomer (rusty): The past 4 seasons Amani Toomer has eclipsed the 1000 yard recieving barrior. And ironic enough the past four years he's been the featured reciever on the Giants line-up. They do like to run to Tiki Barber quite a bit, but you notice that even with rookie Jeremy Shockey in the line-up, most of the air attack goes from Collins to Toomer...very nice for rusty if that holds true in 2003...

4-3 Tom Brady (duke_devil): He mirrors what is wrong with the NFL. Not that he is a bad guy or anything like that. But, he is a great QB that gets no recognition. Why do other players get more recognition then him even though he is a better QB then most? He may not be flashy or throw the ball into tight situations but, he gets the job done with short passes and good knowledge. Recognition or not, he is worth every penny that he is being paid.

4-4 Fred Taylor (sleeper): Can he stay healthy? I could probably leave it at that and it would make perfect sense. If he stays healthy he can have another 1000 yard rushing season. I mean heck, in his 5 year career, he's only played 1 full season...he rushed for 1314 yards. In 2000 he rushed for 13 he is capable of producing.

4-5 Donald Driver (Limey): A true good heart in the NFL. 10 years ago he was selling drugs out of the back of a van to earn money to feed his family. He was poor. He gave that up to go on a less dangerous road and ended up with a long term contract for the Green Bay Packers. He cried when he had the opportunity to ask the people he loved to retire after he could pay for them to live. He is a nice guy and is turning into one of the best recievers in the league. He will be great. He is worth every dollar both in this league and to the Packers for having the attitude that he has, and the skills. This is a nice pick-up this late in the draft.

4-6 Plaxico Burress (gigantor...traded to quiksilver): This is an awesome pick. This guy is tall, I mean tall. 6-5 and 226 pounds, the guy is a perfect WR. And not to mention Tommy Maddux's favorite reciever. As long as Tommy boy and Burress keep of that old IL...they should put up another great season. Good 5 Million dollar man in my mind.

4-7 Eddie George (bucksbeat): A quality Running Back that has been in a bit of a slump the last couple of years. Nearly every stat on him had been on a steady decline. However, in the AFC Playoffs he seemed to be his old self again. If he is he will be an asset to the league and to his team imparticular. Bucksbeat is betting on a comeback. Behind Ricky Williams he has himself a pretty good running back.

4-8 Koren Robinson (primetime360): Possibly my favorite pick up to date. Koren Robinson is the future of wide recievers. I mean people hyped over Randy Moss? This kid hasn't put up the numbers of Moss to any extent, but he also has NO QB. With a possible permanent QB in Hasselback next year, Koren will see signifigant numbers...and all for 4 Mil? What a steal!

4-9 Daunte' Culpepper (Toddeddy): What happened to him? He was one of the NFL's best a couple of years ago. He didn't lose much when the Vikings lost Carter. He still had Moss and the Vikings picked up a respectable WR in Derrick Alexander. But, he just seemed to fall off the chart again. He has great weapons and will be on the rise once again, at least it looks that way. He was picked at just the right time. He isn't worth $7 Million though. Not until he proves that he can continue to play where he left off a couple of years ago.

4-10 Laverneous Coles (quiksilver): Last year was his first real breakout year since taking over the main wide out spot from fellow teamate Wayne Chrebet. The only thing that scares me about him is that they don't like throwing it to him in the endzone...only 5 TD's in 2002...Chrebet had 9 but only got 600 yards receiving...that better change if you spend 5 Mil on a guy...

5-1 Tony Gonzalez (Limey): The best Tight End out there. Period. That is enough to say why he has been taken. He was snatched up after Shockey went. It should have been the other way around but, we aren't here to criticize. Well, somewhat. But, he will be great like he always is. He is worth every penny and will really produce for Limey.

5-2 Torry Holt (toddeddy): The question of the year is who will start for St. Louis? Will it be the Arena Football wonder? Or the kid from nowhere? Well in my view either one of them is a quality QB, agree or disagree I don't care...but either or, Torry Holt and Issac Bruce...mainly Holt, are going to get BIG numbers.

5-3 Jamal Lewis (Primetime360): Last year he came back from a serious knee injury and looked fairly strong. He can play and can really run. I wouldn't put him as one of the top tier RB's because he hasn't shown that he can stay healthy or put up eye-popping numbers. But, I would put him in a close second tier. He can produce and will help Primetime out.

5-4 Marty Booker (bucksbeat...traded to gigantor): Gigantor better hope and pray that the Chicago QB crisis is cleared up by next year otherwise we're going to have a load of wasted talent. I mean this guy is good for 1000 yards recieving, no doubt in my mind. BUT it all depends on who throws the passes...if they have no one, then the talent is wasted...

5-5 Todd Heap (Gigantor...traded to bucksbeat): Now we get into another trade. It did include a couple draft picks to. But, Gigantor had the right mind when he decided to draft Heap. He also had the right mind when he traded Heap to bucksbeat for Marty Booker. Heap is very young and will produce. A good trade on both ends. Each will produce at their respected positions.

5-6 Randy McMichael (quiksilver): Decent pick, but I think he had tons of better Tight Ends to choose from. The only thing I think that he could have been thinking is that he's going to break out next year as a crucial reciever for Miami, WHICH could be very very true. They don't have tons of great WR, so a Tight End option with a 6-3 247 pound build might be right up their ally...

5-7 Keyshawn Johnson (Sleeper): He is a World Champion! Wow, that really matters to this league. Anyways, Keyshawn is a respectable WR that will produce in every standpoint. Brad Johnson is at home in TB and every WR on the roster will benefit. Keyshawn has said that in 5 years he will want to retire. He doesn't want to be considered old. Thank god none of the other greats have that in mind...Phew...

5-8 Michael Bennett (duke_devil): Breakout running back. Looks like Minnesota has found something in their game worth running pun intended. He didn't get many touchdown's, not a whole lot of recieving yards, but he runs for over 1000 yards and he's very reliable. Only thing that I think could backfire is the threat of Daunte Caulpepper learning how to be a QB again and starting to go towards the air more and taking after Donovan McNabb...and running himself. If that doesn't happen then Bennett should do just fine.

5-9 Warrick Dunn (Rusty): Alright, Dunn is listed as the Running Back for the Atlanta Falcons but, I think that real title belongs to Michael Vick. Dunn will give you mediorcre numbers because Vick takes off too much to give Dunn a decent opportunity. Dunn is paid just right at $3 Million but, he wont be a big factor in helping Rusty.

5-10 Derrick Brooks (iceman): Let the defense begin. This was the best defender in 2002 voted not only by yours truley, but by EVERYONE. He got the award and for good reason. Easily gets you over 100 tackles, and he's a linebacker who got 5 freakin interceptions! I mean geez, that alone right there should be a reason to pick this guy! He plays for the best defense in the league and yet puts up numbers that scare me...I don't know how he does it, but iceman made a great pick here.

6-1 Duce Staley (Iceman): Well, it was only a matter of time before he was picked. I think this was the time he should have gone. At $5 Million he is a pretty good deal. Last season he was a big influence in the Eagles making it to the NFC Championship Game without the help of Donovan Mcnabb a lot of the way. He will give you good numbers for a pick when a 4th of the draft is completed. Duce is well known, but it was a good idea to get him before everyone else went after him.

6-2 Bubba Franks (rusty): All I can say on this one is that rusty better have some WR's on his team that will get him yards because that is the only thing Bubba lacks. He's not terrible for a Tight End...he gets what you want, and that's Touchdown's in the red zone...he averages 8 per year...9 in 02 and 7 in 01 which is more than most WR's...but he's never eclipsed 500 yards in one season yet...just something to look for when paying for the second highest paid TE beyond Tony G.

6-3 Ray Lewis (duke_devil): A shoulder injury really limited his time with the Ravens last season. He is looking to bounce back to his old self and so am I. I think he will be one of the best Linebackers for a while to come. He still leads a dangerous Ravens defense that can play. Hopefully the Ravens defense doesn't lose any more members because Lewis will have it all on his shoulders come season time. However, Lewis is one to step up to the occasion and produce.

6-4 Brian Urlacher (sleeper): Derrick Brooks was picked first on defense followed by Ray Lewis who is questionable on health picking Brian Urlacher is very smart at this point in time. He's a leader on the field and will get you 100 tackles easily. He's also had at least one pick in the three years he's been in the league, not to bad for a big man like him with brick hands. And on a team where defense is limited, he's a perfect pick.

6-5 Joey Porter (quiksilver): A very nice pick. I wonder how many people were thinking about drafting him. Probably a lot but, it is a good idea to wrap up young talent early. He is one of the players that you want to wrap up long term at that. He will produce to the best of the ability and will lead a potent defense. He will make $3 Million but he is worth just about every paycheck that he receives.

6-6: Ty Law (gigantor) : Not sure about how early Ty Law was picked in the draft. He's a quality safety, don't get me wrong, but the first taken in the draft? I don't know about that. In all reality he's only really had one breakout year and that was the year he picked off 9 passes...other than that he's good for around 4 picks a year and his tackles have increased big time. For 3 Million I'd say he's a decent pick, but I think there are better men who could have been taken...

6-7 Simeon Rice (bucksbeat): Defense is really starting to go. One of the best out there is Simeon Rice. He is part of the great Tampa Bay defense. He is one of the building blocks to make a very strong defensive line. I see nothing bad about him. He is a mixture of talent and toughness.

6-8: David Boston (primetime360) : Awesome Wide-out, no question about that, but there are some questions. Can he stay out of trouble? We all know about the drinking and driving incident with possible fines. And the fact that Arizona might trade him away, he is a free agent. If he stays with Arizona expect big numbers with him being the only real target fellow free agent Jake Plummer has...but if he leaves to a team with other good wide-outs, that means he'll have to split time...not good for Prime Time...

6-9 Derrick Mason (Toddeddy): A respectable WR from the Tennessee Titans. As long as Steve Mcnair is capable of playing through injuries, he will have a good Quarterback throwing to him from in (and out) of the pocket. Look for decent numbers from Mason, he can be used to solidify the position of WR.

6-10 Kabeer Baja-Biamillia (limey): This DL for the Green Bay Packers is as good of a man as he is a player. Playing through adversity last year when his mother died just hours before the game, he really proved the kind of man he was. He has been towards the top of the league in sacks the past two years but, as of now lacks tackling abilities to stop a rushing game. Can't say it is just him, it is the whole Packers defense. He will continue to improve as he gets older. This is a nice pick.

7-1 Roy Williams (Limey): Possibly one of the best Defensive Backs in the League. He doesn't let much get by him on the field and that is a good type of talent to have on your defense. That is basically the whole point of a defense isn't it? He will be a good back for a long time to come. We'll just have to wait and see if he gets to the tier of being the best that plays the game. He definitely has the potential.

7-2: Rod Gardner (toddeddy) : He had himself a pretty good year last year catching 8 Touchdown's and receiving for over 1000 yards, and he did so without a steady quarterback. Well, it's obvious who the passes are going to on this time, and it's always nice in Fantasy Football to get a player who doesn't have much competition for the ball, it means bigger and better numbers, and that's all this is about. But I'd be weary of the QB controversy there...the fact is they have none and that could hurt Rod's performance.

7-3 Jason Taylor (Primetime360): One of the new age "Sackmasters." He nearly always finds a way to get to the Quarterback. He will give Primetime about 13 sacks and other very good numbers at that. Another player that will solidify a position. In this case he could be a building block that makes another potentially great defensive line.

7-4: Rod Smith (bucksbeat) : For the last 6 years, he's received for over 1000 yards and has gotten tons of touchdown's, but this past year he struggled...either that or his quarterback did. You can shift the blame to whoever you want, but with only 1027 yards and 5 TD's, that makes you think about what's going down. He has Ed Mc to go up against, which isn't that big of a threat in my view, but the Bronco's love passing it to him. So he does split a lot of time, but I don't see that being much of a problem and I expect big things from him, IF I can expect big things from Griese...

7-5 Julius Peppers (bucksbeat from gigantor): Well, here is a player that just might have slipped under the radar for everyone. I know I wouldn't think of taking him with my seventh round pick. He is possibly the best young DL in the game. Although, he seems to be a little troubled with his recent drug suspension. Just hope that he changes his ways. If he does, you got yourself a great defensive lineman. If not, well then you got yourself an empty roster spot.

7-6: Sammy Knight (quiksilver) : For a safety this guy gets you tons of tackles...84 for a safety who's job is pretty much to scout out plays and make key stops, getting 84 isn't a bad number. And for the past 6 seasons, he's only had one off year for INT's where he swiped one...other than that he's picked off at least 5 every year.

7-7 LaVar Arrington (Sleeper): A hard nosed OLB. He had 11 sacks last year after having only 4.5 the two seasons before that. He is a young third year player that could continue to get better. He has made himself known as one of the best LB's, at least last year. Time will tell if he can keep that name for himself.

7-8: Al Wilson (duke_devil) : He finally broke out of his shell this year. I really don't know tons about him except the fact that he took the place of long time Bronco Bill Roma something or other...who is that guy again? Exactly, that is what Al Wilson has made people believe. 132 tackles and 5 sack isn't a bad resume, and getting him this late in the 7th round isn't a bad deal at all...especially since solid linebackers getting that many tackles are hard to come by except the huge names...

7-9 Andre Carter (Rusty): In his second year he has proven himself. That is really enough said. A combined 19 sacks in two seasons in the league. If he can keep this up he could have one hell of a career. Also, he gives Rusty a hell of a player for years to come. As always, staying healthy is the key. He's only missed 1 game in two years. For a DL that is good considering guys are falling all over the place. Nice pick and get ready for Andre Carter to be a force on your defense.

7-10: Isaac Bruce (iceman) : Good pick this far down in the draft. Even though I don't think he's going to get the stats that he used to. Isaac Bruce has done things not many wide-outs have done, but with Torry Holt coming up and the quarterback problem happening, I don't know if he'll be a threat or a pain in the backside. It's all about how YOU view him. He'll get you yardage, that's a no brainer, along with a decent amount of touchdown's...

8-1 Keith Brooking (Iceman): Iceman must be banking on his future being better then his past. Brooking's numbers aren't very impressive. He has been in the league five years and has recorded 6.5 sacks and 5 interceptions in that time. I can't dis his pick but, he sees something that we don't see. For $3 Million, from a fanatical point of view, I think he is overpriced.

8-2 Deltha O'Neal (rusty): Coming off of an amazing season in 2001, Deltha didn't quite put up the numbers he did the previous year. Having 9 picks and 70 tackles puts you at a high price value, thus 3 million. But in 2002 he struggled a bit and put up 69 tackles with 5 picks, but added two touchdown's to the mix. He's capable, he's on a team with a decent secondary, but he's the only one who stands out...good pick.

8-3  Dwight Freeney (duke_devil): Let's just say this, I don't even want to think about how the Colts' defense would be without him. In his first season, he comes into the league and gets 13 sacks. He only started 8 games. That is spectacular to see. I think he is a great pick and he might have lasted a little longer then he should have. Nice pick and he will be great for a while to come. Man, the guy can play.

8-4 Lance Schulters (sleeper): For a safety, this guy gets a lot of good numbers, especially in the tackle column. The last three years he has picked up 91, 64, 84 tackles, along with a good number of interceptions. But still nothing to go out on a limb about. If sleeper is looking for him to be the savior on the defensive front, he's in trouble. But for a good solid DB, he's a good person to get in the 8th round...

8-5 Hugh Douglas (quiksilver): I always think about him hurting Jim Miller in last years playoffs and everyone calling him a cheap shot artist. Whatever title you decide to put on him, I would think that you know he is a great player. He is the leader on the Eagles defense and will be great next season. I think he easily is the leader of the whole Eagles team. I like the way he plays and the numbers that he produces.

8-6 Jerramy Stevens (gigantor): Okay mark my words right now, Justin Owens is calling this here and now. This guy will be one of the best tight ends in football...maybe not next year, but maybe the year after or the year after. But I think the Seattle Seahawks are finally starting to realize that this guy is perfect for the position. Forget Ituli Mili, he's nothing compared to Stevens. He's big and has the perfect mentality to play TE...and only for 1 million?

8-7 Ronde Barber (gigantor from bucksbeat): Yet another Tampa Bay Bucs defensive member. I think that he is not only lucky that he didn't get his brothers name (Tiki) but, I think that he is lucky to be playing on such a great defense. He has talent and knows how to hit. His production is there and will have good numbers come the season. Just if he buys you dinner, make sure he brings his credit card because, remember. It could be him but, it might be Tiki.

8-8 Amos Zereoue (primetime360): Hey if Jerome Bettis continues to get hurt 8 times a year and it leaves game after game for this young man to get his minutes then PrimeTime is set. I noticed that primetime has Priest Holmes...well if Priest gets hurt and Jerome stays healthy, which is a good possibility, then Primetime is in trouble. But if Bettis gets his playing time reduced...or gets traded, then look for Zeroue to put up excellent numbers.

8-9 Martin Gramatica (Toddeddy): Alright, who let the Kickers out? Martin went way to early. Normally in a draft that will go 24 rounds I see kickers start to go between the 10th and 15th round. I don't know why this addition was made so early. You could have drafted him at least two rounds later building on other positions before you chose to move to the kicker. Let's look at the bright side, at least a good kicker was chose.

8-10 Corey Bradford (limey): This scares me. I'm not knocking him, the man is a good receiver, but not great. And he's playing for a team which COULD make him look like a star, but instead keeps him looking average. This isn't a guy you want to rely on, he's more of an emergency plan in case your WR's get hurt. You have to remember that David Carr is young and is getting tossed into the wolves here as a starter on a team with no OL...if Bosselli can get better and give Carr more time to throw, expect numbers, but nothing in the range of 1000 yards.

9-1 Dennis Northcutt (Limey): He might be the stud of the draft. There are several young WR's that look as if they will keep getting better and better. Northcutt is one of them. He caught for 601 yards last season and 5 touchdowns. And that is only 38 receptions. That is very good for so little receptions. If he gets the ball thrown to him say, 60 times. That means his numbers could nearly double. A nice pickup and let's keep our fingers crossed about him.

9-2 Michael Strahan (toddeddy): Okay so this guy shouldn't hold the all-time sack record that was a joke and I've lost respect for both him and Favre ever since (That's why Favre hasn't one a playoff game...he's cursed by the football gods). But still...20 some odd sacks is AMAZING. He got 11 this year and has always got a lot of he's not just a one hit wonder. He plays on a decent defensive team but IS their defensive star (sorry Sehorn) So look for him to get all the attention, and all the numbers in New York...(sorry Jets)

9-3 Chad Johnson (Primetime360): A second season phenom on a pretty pathetic team. He is one of the many bright spots that may not be able to put together winning seasons but, they are capable of making themselves look good as an individual. I think he is a very nice pickup that will continue to produce even though a mediocre quarterback is throwing him the ball. If they take a QB with their first round pick, watch out. Who knows what kind of stats he will have.

9-4 Darren Sharper (bucksbeat): This is an excellent pick and I'll tell you why, he's a pickaholic, yeah that's right you heard me, a pickaholic. This guy the past three years has averaged 7 picks a year! That's amazing if you ask me. And on top of that he's good for at least 60 tackles plus a safety blitz sack or two. And he plays for one of the most successful teams in the crappiest division (good for numbers) So look for him to be as dominating as ever.

9-5 Charlie Garner (gigantor): This is a flat out steal. Garner should not have been left in the draft this long. He is a 1,800 yard back (900 Rushing, 900 Receiving). He is a fantasy football dream. Not only can he be a starting running back but, he can put up the same numbers as a third WR. A definite steal in the draft and he will really give gigantor a double threat.

9-6 Donte Stallworth (quiksilver): Very promising rookie with tons of potential to be a big time player down the road, possibly even this next year or two, but I don't think he'll be Aaron Brooks main target, not with Joe Horn. But he loves the endzone, and his 8 touchdown's prove that point very well...I think he's a good pick to have, a decent young receiver, but not a number one or two guy...probably a third or back-up in my book.

9-7 Patrick Kerney (Sleeper): A good DE from the Atlanta Falcons Organization. He goes on the field and gets his job done. In his 4th season he had 10.5 sacks after having 12 the year before. He seems to be very reliable in not missing a game since his rookie season in 1999. He is young and can play, can you ask for anything else?

9-8 Chris Chambers (duke_devil): When you play on a team like the Miami Dolphins of the past few years, you'd expect to go to the air more...with Dan Marino behind the post. But when you have an injury to Fiedler that sidelines your passing game, and a running back like Ricky Williams who proved well in Miami, you can't expect AWESOME numbers, but you can expect GOOD numbers. Usually around 7 or 8 hundred yards a year, Chris is a very good receiver to have on your core, probably a number 2 or 3 if you ask me.

9-9 John Lynch (Rusty): One of the best known defensive players in the league. He respects the game and is as good as he can possibly be. A hard hitting safety, he puts up the numbers and leads his defense to a win. Very well one of the most respected safeties of all time. He will produce.

9-10 London Fletcher (iceman): These past few years London Fletcher has proven that he's one hell of a defensive presence. 133, 119, 149 tackles the past three years, usually getting around 3 or 4 sacks and a pick or two every once in a while, he's a force to be reckoned with in the middle at Linebacker. He's easily good for 100 tackles and 3 sacks, but I wouldn't be shocked for him to up that sack amount next year...he seems to be comfortable with the Bills...

10-1 Trent Green (Iceman): A good fantasy football back-up quarterback. He plays on a team with a lot of weapons. Not only on the receiving front but, on the running front. As Kansas City asserts their offense even more, he will be even better in this league. He may not be a superstar but, he will get the job done to the point that it makes him very respectable.

10-2 Kevan Barlow (rusty): As long as Garrison Hearst is around, Kevan Barlow will be the 49'ers back-up. But to be quite honest I wouldn't touch a San Fran RB right now because I believe they are going to the WCO (West Coast Offense) And if they do that, then they might get you some decent receiving yards, but your going to be wanting guys like TO and Tai Streets...

10-3 Brian Dawkins (duke_devil): A very good Defensive Back. He might very well be one of the best in the league. He will give you a strong output in basically every defensive back category. Playing on a good defensive team overall really helps him and he will help duke to take a strong push on the defensive side of the ball.

10-4 Tony Parrish (sleeper): This past year was by far his best year, putting up pretty good numbers for a safety. He'll get around 60 or 70 tackles a year but I'm not positive on the picks. He got 7 last year but that was the first year he really broke out. He had a total of around 8 his previous 4 years in the I'm not sure about that one. But I think that he can prove to be a force if he can continue his play of last year and forget about anything else

10-5 John Abraham (Quiksilver...Traded to Gigantor): Quiksilver had the right idea when he drafted him. But, Quiksilver liked the trade to Gigantor because he got Plaxico in exchange. Both really made out on the deal. Abraham will continue to be a good pickup. I like this..

10-6 La'Roi Glover (gigantor): I'll be honest, he's nothing more than a sack man. 56.5 sacks in 7 years isn't too bad, and it'll get you around 8 sacks a year. But on the downside, he only gets around 50 tackles, maybe. No int's (Well duh he's a flippin' lineman) and nothing much else. I guess it's all about your gameplan whether or not this is a good pick, I mean he is on the Cowboy's...

10-7 Jimmy Smith (bucksbeat...Traded to Iceman): Jimmy is a good WR, don't get me wrong. But, the insider says that bucksbeat needed to dump some salary desperately. His decision to trade Jimmy was made when he figured that he was a 33 year old WR that could still produce but, that there were younger receivers out there. Iceman decided to take on his big $6 Million dollar salary and it wasn't a terrible move. Iceman could have found a cheaper WR but, Smith will still be good for him for this year. The future is the question.

10-8 Nate Clements (primetime): Let's call him an up and comer, because that's really in all reality what he is. 65 tackles average a year with about 4.5 Int's a year, for a two year player that's not bad at all, especially at Cornerback. He's in a division that loves to pass...(Brady, Pennington, Fiedler) and that's two games each, so if he can step up in big games like that, then I think this pick will go FAR in this league...

10-9 Brian Kelly (toddeddy): A tough Cornerback out of Tampa Bay. He can tackle and has a tough presence when he steps out onto the field. Normally, a Cornerback is titled "a Wide Receiver that can't catch." This doesn't seem to be true for Brian. He had 8 picks last year, and he threw in a sack. He is only in his 5th year and he is starting to bloom as a man a QB is just plain scared to throw at.

10-10 Mike Rucker (limey): These past two years he's finally gotten the opportunity to step up to the plate and do what he does best...scare the living hell out of Quarterback's in the NFC. 19 sacks in the past two years is pretty good, along with 60 tackles to boot, that's something to look after. Especially playing on the Panthers who have no big threats...he's the man in that town and as well he should be...

11-1 Peter Boulware (Limey): A fairly dependable OLB that lines up next to Ray Lewis. Talk about an easy job right? Not really, Peter Boulware and Ray Lewis are like the only dependable players on that defense from their Superbowl year a couple of years ago. They can get the job done as they have showed but, I'm not sure if Boulwares numbers will exceed his numbers from lasts season.

11-2 Patrick Surtain (toddeddy): Just like Nate Clement, he's in a division of the quarterbacks and so he's really going to get his chance to shine. Nothing special though, around 3-4 picks a year and about a sack or two maybe...and a little more than 50 tackles. So he's not the best cornerback that you could get, but he's not bad by any means, I'm just not sure if I'd pick him over some of the guys that are left...that's all.

11-3 Ashlie Lelie (Primetime): A future star? It sure looks like it. His first year in the league he caught for 525 yards and 2 touchdowns. That's not all that bad with the Broncos already having 2 dependable Wide Receivers. If he does ever accumulate monster stats, they wont come next year. There is too much of a quarterback controversy in Denver for a lot of production to come.

11-4 Jevon Kearse (bucksbeat): He's one of those guys that if Healthy can change the atmosphere of a game not only by his play, but by his presence. People are scared of this man and as well they should be. Every year he's played the whole season he's been in double digit sacks. He had 4 tackles last season in one game...2 sacks. So come on, who wouldn't want this guy on your team...IF HE STAYS HEALTHY...if not I wouldn't come near him...

11-5 James Thrash (gigantor): A hella good Wide Reciever from Philly. One thing about Philly (besides their defense) is that they have a good group of recievers. With the addition of Antonio Freeman last year, it became even more potent. Look for good things from Thrash. He is dangerous.

11-6 Zach Thomas (gigantor): One of the most feared Linebackers in all of professional football...and one of the most feared men in all of sports history. You'd think this guy would be sack crazy, but in reality that's one of his worst spots, cause he's not a blitzing linebacker. This guy has only had ONE year in which he didn't get 100 tackles, and that was when he had 99 in only 11 games! And a lesser known fact...he's had at least one INT in every year he's played...sweet huh?

11-7 Justin Smith (sleeper): Well, this is a severe gamble. Looking at his stats, there are none! Of course something always isn't how it looks. However, I am not much for wasting an eleventh round pick on an undrafted rookie that has nothing to show for himself. Of course, I could be wrong. But, I just don't know what to expect from him.

11-8 Warren Sapp (duke_devil): In real football, there is no one else I would rather have on my team than Warren Sapp...fantasy football the past two years? No thank you. What happened to him? Here's a guy who averaged around 13 sacks a year, he gets 6 and then 7. And only aorund 40 tackles? That's not something you want from one of the biggest names in professional football. Then again, he's on the best defensive in the league...

11-9 Todd Pinkston (Rusty): This must be the round for selecting Philadelphia Eagles wide receivers. A young guy that has a ton of talent. In his third year, he caught for 798 yards and for seven touchdowns. He could be a rising star but, even if he puts up those numbers for the rest of his career, he is a good talent to have as a third wideout.

11-10 Travis Taylor (iceman): In order for this man to be successful, he needs to have a quarterback to throw to him. I'm sorry but Jeff Blake isn't the guy that's going to get him the type of year that Travis is capable of. He's a good all around reciever who is good for 700 yards and 5 touchdown's maybe, but I don't see him doing anything more than that on a team who's pride let's just say comes from the other side of the football...

12-1 Alge Crumpler (Iceman): Anyone on a team with Michael Vick looks like a Superstar now, don't they? Well, this might be the only player close enough to the word "superstar" on the Falcons team besides Vick. He has a good mixture of youth and ability. Not many receiving yards but, 5 TD's which will help any team.

12-2 Samari Rolle (rusty): Great athlete, but if your planing on relying on him to be your best DB, then your in for something else. The past few years he's struggled, maybe it's because the Titans have such a sound defense that it doesn't rely on one player, and that's great for winning championships, but not for Fantasy Championships! You need a man that takes the game into his own hands and I don't see this man doing that...But he's not a bad pick...

12-3 Adam Vinatieri (duke_devil): Can he perform under stress? Can he be the kicker that gets the game winning kick off? Well, just remember 2 years ago against the Rams. That should answer all of the questions about him. He is a great kicker, that's about all you need to know about him.

12-4 Wayne Chrebet (sleeper): I really don't see all the hype with Wayne Chrebet. I mean sure he's a great number two guy, possibly a number three, but he's not what he used to be. And if myth serves right (lol) then he'll have a bad year this year. Every other year he has a bad year after having a pretty good year. And after finding the endzone for a career high 9 times this year, if it serves true he'll flop this year. But I don't see him outdoing Coles...but you know Pennington, he likes to spread the ball let's keep our fingers crossed shall we?

12-5 Darrell Jackson (quiksilvers...Traded to Bucksbeat): This guy is about to snap on the NFL. He is just that good. The only reason quik traded him to bucksbeat is because he needed to dump some salary. I like this addition to his team. With Hasselbeck getting comfortable as a starter, the sky is the limit.

12-6 Takeo Spikes (quiksilver from gigantor): Well wouldn't you know? It's a linebacker who gets Int's as well as sacks! Not only does he do both of those very well, but he also has gotten at least 105 tackles in his 5 years of pro football, that's something to be proud of. And he plays for the worst time in football...EVER. So he's their star on defense and I expect him to eclipse 130 tackles next year with 2 picks and 4 least.

12-7 Jerry Porter (bucksbeat): I love this addition in a way. Right now the focus in Oakland is on Jerry Rice and Tim Brown. Once they decide to call it quits, I guarantee you that this guy will be very good. He's kind of caught in a poor situation where his WR teammates and his QB are very close to retirement. Time will only tell if change will benefit him.

12-8 Trevor Pryce (primetime): Trevor is like most lineman and that's just about getting the S-A-C-K-S and he does a darn good job doing it. He will get you AT LEAST 7 sacks a year and possibly 50 tackles, and did I mention he plays for the Brocono's? Okay so that has nothing to do with how good he'll do, but you have to admit, it sounded good!

12-9 Marcell Shipp (toddeddy): A very nice pick-up. One of the few decent Runningbacks left. He did run for 834 yards and got 6 touchdowns. However on a poor Cardinals team, they do have a good offensive line. So, I like the future of this kid. He will perform at a good level.

12-10 Steve McNair (limey): Limey is a jerk and he knows why! He has two of the best quarterbacks in the freakin league and he can only play one of them, so some guys who went out on a limb and got mediocer QB's to fill in the gaps, who COULD HAVE gotten Steve McNair, screwed the pooch big time and passed up this work horse. This guy is good for MEGA yards and a bunch of running at that. And he doesn't even need to's gotta be the name (TITANS)