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Baby Taylor's Web Page


Baby Taylor is due August 5, 2004. Current names we have picked out are


Tristram Alden Taylor


Katherine Aurora Taylor


We both think Baby Taylor is a boy, and since we are not going to know for sure until the baby is born, you (our families and friends) are going to have to wait and see! Kaiser has confirmed there is only 1 baby in case you thought we were having twins.


These are the latest photos of Baby Taylor, taken at 18 weeks, 1 day. Baby Taylor moved so much the technician had a difficult time getting his/her profile. Finally, after many tries the technician was able to get the profile below. The baby put a hand in front of his/her face, so we can see the lips but very little of the nose in this photo. Still, isn't that the sweetest face? Baby waved at the camera for us, too!


At the ultrasound they asked us if we wanted to know the baby's gender. We said we did not want to know because we would rather be surprised. A baby is one of the most wonderful surprises in life. We will know the baby's gender when the baby is born in August. Yes, you can wait that long! Below is a picture of baby's feet. (Feet are on the right. See the little toes?)

The ultrasound photos showed the baby's skeletal system very well, like the one below that shows his/her hands. You can actually see the little bones in each finger. Pretty fascinating, isn't it? They also showed us all 4 chambers of the heart, all the internal organs, and the entire skeleton, although they did not give us photos of these. (They took over 50 photos for their own records.) We are so glad that baby is so healthy!


This is a photo of the baby's skeleton. The baby was looking at the camera for this photo! The technician said that the fleshy parts of the baby are harder to catch on ultrasound than the skeletal parts. Thanks for sharing our adventure with us!

Below are photos of Baby Taylor taken at 10 weeks 6 days. The baby was moving around a lot when these photos were taken, showing off acrobatic skill, or practicing karate moves according to Brady. Note the baby's happy smile in the first photo.



This next photo is the first one ever taken, at 9 weeks 4 days:


We are trusting God for a healthy and safe pregnancy, labor, delivery and childhood. Your prayers on Baby Taylor's behalf would be much appreciated. Thank you!


Anne's Infant & Toddler Gifs