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My Destination
SiGn My gUeSSbOOk!

¤ Welcome to my Angelfire website!

¤ Hola, Aloha, Chao, Bonjour, Hello!

¤ I have been trying hella hard with long restless hours designing up this webpage of mine together with the freakin' layout and all.

¤ since you came by to my website you might as well click click click and check it out to see for youself everything ABOUT ME! Thankx a lot for coming!



»What I'm Like:Looks young for my age(seriously). Nice. Polite. Kind. Smart. Shy. Quiet. Patient (a lil). Lovable. Gr8t listener. Organizer. HS graduate. Optimistic. Friendly. Hard working student. Adventureous. Helpful. Respectful. NOT a bad girl image. Have to talk to me and know me a lot better to reveal my unnoticeable side

»Loves: Chat. Watch TV: 7th Heaven, Everwood, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, What I Like About You, Reba, Grounded for Life, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will & Grace, Soap operas, E.R. Eat. Music. Chill. Shopping. Sleep. Read. Dream. Movies: horror. comedy. action. drama. historical. Favorite pets: kittens. monkies. puppies.

»Hatez: Procrastination. TV commercials. Spiders. Snakes. Thunder. Dirt. People who talk less than I do. Unfairness. Show offs. Attitudes. Those who play others as fools and those who take advantages of others. Does something irresponsible/stupid /or tries to be somebody else. Not being able to pay back for what others does for them. Judge others too quickly before knowing and talking to them. People who don't care about nethang or ne1 but themselves. Disrespectful. Not being understandable. Laziness. Bad breath. Messed up teeth. Ugliness. Hygene probs. Rude, mean & obnoxious people. Druggies. Drugs. Punks. Gothics. Drinkers. Smokers. Loners. Liars. Immaturity. Assholes. Playas. Airheads. Ugliness. Preps. Snobs. Dumbasses. Perverts. Guys saying stupid/shitty stuff. Guys who always want and ask for sex...UGH! get a life! Guys who asks for pix & wanna meet up & who are: too talkative, too caring, too obsessive, thinks he's the man, too full of himself, sly. Girls that are: slutz, biotches, sexy (@ young ages), ditzy, clumsy, acts blondish.

»Ambitions: succeed in college. finish college. become a pediatrician~~ride and stay on the road until it's time to finish. be confident. have faith. have hope. live a happy, healthy, and fun life



~*Muziq I Love*~

~*Senior Poems*~


~*My Brother's Page*~









@ Layout made by