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Caring Women of the World, Literary Expressions

"Caring Women of the World"
Literary Expressions Committee

Caring Women Literary Expressions Committee Guidelines
You must be subscribed to the cw-Literary Expressions egroup. Digest is fine, No mail when on LOA is fine, but you must notify of LOA.

Team Leader, Alicia, will email you on egroups of new members as they are received.

As a member of this committee, you will be asked to submit a piece of writing, be it a movie/book/music review, a poem, a short story, an essay on any topic at least once every other month. Muses are funny animals, so certainly, writer's block is taken into account and accounted as sick days ;). If you can't produce something at least once every month, let the team leader know and she'll mark you down as Leave of Absence.

Please read the Editor's guidelines and the submissions guidelines to see what will be expected of you in this committee.

Issue #4's suggested theme
Writers, please read this item before beginning composition. :)

Laure, Team leader - on longterm LOA
Alicia, Assistant TL - Acting as Team Leader currently
Icemaid, assistant/Co-CWOTW leader

Johanna, writer

Kim, writer
Lynda, writer.

Members on LOA
Joni, writer
Pat, writer

We do hope you enjoyed your visit, as we enjoyed having you, please visit us again soon. Hoping you will join our committee

©Caring Women of the World 2004-2006
updated March 2005
Webmistress Laure

Best viewed in Webtv, IE 4, or better
800x600 resolution

The painting used to create this set is called
"Beatrice" by Marie Spartali Stillman, 1844-1927.