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Ask Abbey



Have a dillema? Need advice? Ask any question you want, and if it's clean, I'll post a response right here. Send questions to and write "question" in the subject box.

Dear Whomever,

I'm a little confused on this one guy. He is a real jerk, but besides that he's just weird, and pretends he doesn't know me, even though i've only talked him online, i always Im him n he always asks who is this? i was thinking memorial loss but i dont think that's possible for this dude. what is wrong with this guy?

Sincerely, Curious

Dear Curious,

Well, obviously the problem is not you. It sounds like he's pretty immature. Unfortunately, this jerk seems to have a thing for you, if he goes out of his way to pretend to not know you. Either he's afraid of rejection. If he doesn't think he's worthy, then he becomes bitter at the thing of which he doesn't feel worthy. Too often girls, who need to feel worthy of love, take it on themselves and feel that they are in fact not worthy of love when guys treat them poorly. Maybe you lucked out and this guy really does have memory loss, hehe. Whatever, he's weird anyways. Suggestion: stop coming at him, even online, it'll make him freak out and act even meaner.



Are there monsters?

Why the heck are my fingertips purple???? LOL


Dear purple-fingered monsterphobic,

Yes there are monsters. There is one named Henry under my bed, and another named Charles sitting in the attic above my bed.

I have absolutely no idea why your fingers are purple. Maybe you slept with a scruncci on your wrist. Bad idea. Lost many a circulation that way.

-Rochelle (filling in for AWOL ABBEY)

Dear Cozree,

As u can tell i need help! MY problem is that I just cant help stupid things happening! Im soooooooo clumsy! I droped a big platter of food on my boyfriends lap so he broke up with me! Then i tripped on top of my great grandma and it broke her left hip and now she wont tak to me! Im am sooooooo bumed!


Dear had- a- lame- b/f- to- begin- with-and-sicko-for-picking-on-the-elderly,

I have some advice for you. You need to stop carrying big platters of food near your b/f''s (have him carry it), and stop trippin. haha, get it? haha. But seriously, please stay away from my elderly.


Try it Out

(For the non-yoga enthusiasts)

If you jump up and down ten times, you can touch your toes!



(If you have any requests send them in.)

It comes from the latin word requirere, which means to search. A requisito is the act of searching. I just thought that that is an AWESOME word.

When a dominant country demands submission or material support from a weaker country, or a government demands some sort of support from teh people... the demand is more specifically a "requisition"

How to use it: "Pope Boniface the some # made a requistition to King Philip IV of France that he stop taxing the clergy. I've got a test on that tomorrow.


Blood lacking in O2 is not blue. I know, the cool little diagrams in the science text books represent the blood in the process of returning to the heart with blue ink.

It is true that O2 gives blood a brighter red color.

Blood is not blue and water is not blue.

Something Interesting

Time had to have a beginning or it wouldn't be at all. If in fact, the universe came to be by a big bang, which came from some other catastrophic event, and so forth, without end, then what we would have is an infinity.

Infinity means no measurable time, just existence. This point in time, and every other point in time would never have come, because time would be non-existent. Infinity time would have to pass before we ever did get to this point. That is a self destructive statement because infinity(by definition) can never pass.

Time has to have had a beginning, or also by definition, it would not exist.

-compliments of Kevin



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Now Playing- You Rock My World by Micheal Jackson (with Chris Rock)

By the way, I did not make this comet looking thing. My friend found it on the internet somewhere, years ago.