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026 027 028 029 030
Bethany & Wendy - Turtle nesting Tempisque River Tempisque River Ferry Monteverde cloud forest Monteverde cloud forest
031 032 033 040 041
Monteverde cloud forest Cloud forest Monteverde cloud forest On the way to Monteverde cloud forest Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest
042 043 044 045 046
Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest
047 051 052 053 054
Canopy Tour - Monteverde cloud forest Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano Arenal Volcano - Old lava flows Arenal Volcano - Old lava flows
055 056 057 058 059
Tabacon Resort Tabacon Resort Tabacon Resort Tabacon Resort The End

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