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Immortal Beloved..." LX...

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!

It's all yours and ME's...

Archived on the 'normal' Buffyverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse,, scroll down to the "Immortal Beloved" series...

Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...

Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...

Ok, I lied about stopping at 50...But me poor ole mum would just say, "so long as I like it, it's ok..."

Sides, after 50, I had to do another nice one to balance things out...And there was that mistake with the numbers earlier...I mean there's no

choice but to press on (over your pleading screams to desist, no doubt...)


LA...Night of the battle with the Senior Partners...

The Partners and minions fleeing in panic before a massive charge of Slayers and new Initiative personnel...Rather to the shocked relief of a battered Angel, Illyria, Gunn, and...

"William!..." a mix of anxious panic and joy... Buffy raced to him...Dawn trailing behind, but racing up as well...A nearly identical expression on her face...

"You're all right?!...You're alive!!...I mean, you know...You're so dead, asshole!!!..." her rapid mood shift startling him as much as her sudden appearance...

"Hey!...The dragon's mine!..." Angel charged after the fleeing enemy and their pursuers...

"Now, Charlie..." Illyria in Fred mode to a Gunn struggling to join the Boss... "You gotta help me to a doctor...I'm too weak to make it alone..." she gently lifting him and carrying him to where he'd noted an ambulance and police pulling up...

"Jackass!!!..." Buffy whacked her Blonde One, staggering him...Though perhaps the staggering was more from the realization...Dawn frowning at him as she came up...

"Buffy...A mo, please..." William rose...Ummn...She looked at Dawn, now frowning a bit at her as well...

Gotta try finding a new way to express my love with him, I think...

"You let me think you were dead, gone!...What kind of...Didn't I tell you..." she broke down into incoherency and tears...

Kennedy coming back from the assault line with a beaming smile... "Got em, Counselor Gen..." she eyed the weeping Buffy...Now responding emphatically to William's silent embrace...Rocking him gently...Dawn shrugged...So much for Buffy's promises to take things slow when we get here...

"Great...Thank everybody..." Buffy managed to croak out...Kennedy nodding, then heading back with a wry grin to Dawn...Buffy pulling back from Will...

"Dammit, you were in Rome!...Andy said so when he finally caved at Giles' meeting this morning to discuss reports from LA and told us about you...How could you not..."

"I thought it was the right thing...I made a sacrifice...I wasn't human..." he tried...

"Bullcrap, what do I care?...Do you think I care so long as ya got a soul?...Well, ok..." she eyed his frowning expression...Ummn, Buf...Last year, remember?... "I wasn't certain for a while...But when the Slayer damn well tells you she loves you, you damn well better believe it, bucko!..." she paused in mid-renewed-whack...And hugged him again..

"And then there was the little matter of the Immortal..." Will noted as she pulled him close...

Huh?...she pulled back again...Staring at him...Dawn as well...

"Andy told me you and he were quite the item...I..." "What?!..." Buffy staring at him then Dawn...

"Jesus, William..." Dawn gave a part angry, part disgusted look... "Is that supposed to be funny?...That's disgusting!..."

"How can you say something like that?!..." Buffy glared...

Geesh...Will blinked...Thought the Immortal overwhelmed the ladies...Has his charm faded in the last century or something?...

"Buffy..." Dawn suddenly grinned... "He doesn't know..." Buffy stared at her, then suddenly both burst into hysterical laughter...

"Andy...Pfft...Hmmmpf...Ha...ha...ha..." Dawn howled...Buffy shaking with laughter...

What?...Will stared at the two...But noted a tall, strapping fellow of good looks approaching...

"William...You took info on my love life from...Andrew?..." Buffy chuckled...

"Buffy?..." the tall man asked gently... "Hey..." she smiled at him...

"William...Soames Walthrop...Yeah, I know..." she grinned turning back to him..

"Meet my father...The Immortal...Dad, my feller..."

Hank Summers, aka the Immortal, giving a friendly smile as he stepped forward hand outstretched...