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My page for crap i was so bored i wrote down!

aspects of my amazing site

Games I Like!!!
A Short Bio On Me!
Thoughts And Rants
Quotes An Crap
Movie Reviews
pictures of... misc stuff!

Well ok this is just going to be a few points about my site... yay!

I created this site on friday oct 11, so if the site seems like crap, compare the amount of info to the creation date... also note im going to be away for the weekend, so nothing is going to happen from now till monday :P

Please excuse the many many spelling errors i am sure to have on this site... i can talk tunsa words but cant spell them... i also have trouble putting my many many thoughts on paper, so this is all new to me and many things will probobally not make sense to you... but it does to me, and if u want to understand it, be more like me!!! :D and if u have any complaints about grammar an crap, SCREW YOU!

This is my first web page so its prolly gonna be crap till i get some help on it... but o well, its still gonna kick ass ^^

Ok well im back... its December 7th, and its been nearly 2 months since i touched this site... lol i got bored of it :P but im back... i hope to get a bunch more stuff in here before i get too bored to continue again... so yea... expect new stuff soon!!

and ps... i KNOW i say LOL a heluva lot so dont bother commenting hehe (<--- i also do that in place of lol alot) so yea... just thought id put that here LOL!!

O yea lol and more ppl sign my guestbook!!! hehe i noticed i only got 3 entrys in there :( nobody loves poor little jono... but like 90 ppl have been to my site!! well 40 or more were prolly me checking on things i updated and such... but even so!! come on ppl!!


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