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No Time for the Present

Snape was planning on a quiet evening. A bit of reading, perhaps. A warm
bath. As he approached his door, he could tell that something was wrong.

It was unlocked. Surely he hadn't left it so? He knew he wasn't going to be
pleased with whatever lay on the other side of that door.

It was worse than he'd expected.

Oh, it was a pretty enough sight. Draco Malfoy (damnable whelp that he was,
the sight of him sprawled naked on one's bed was certainly a sight to
inflame the senses), holding a straight razor. Next to him, equally naked,
eyes dazed and unseeing, bloody Harry bloody Potter.

Bloody indeed. Apparently Draco had been busy with the razor. A row of
parallel lines decorated each of the Potter boy's inner thighs, just deep
enough for a narrow trickle of blood to seep from each slight wound.

Damn and damn again. Why did these things keep *happening* to him?

"Mr. Malfoy, precisely what do you think you're doing?" he said in a low,
quiet tone as he shut (and locked) the door behind him. Only one set of
clothes was scattered at the foot of the bed. He'd dragged the Potter brat
here *naked*? It was too much.

The Malfoy brat grinned up at him. "I've brought you a present, of course!
Thought I'd get him warmed up a little, but now that you're here-"

Snape backhanded him with enough force to knock him off of the bed. "Apart
from having no sense of propriety, timing, or dignity, you obviously know
bugger-all about anatomy, you little twit. Have you never heard of a little
something called the femoral artery? Do you realize how little you've missed
his by?" Actually, a good deal, but from the puzzled look on Draco's face,
*he* didn't know that. "Do you have any idea how bad it would be if a
student was found to have bled to death in my bedroom?"

"I only wanted to please you-"

"I find that very hard to believe. Now, what imbecilic ruse did you cook up
to get him in this condition?" Damage control, he thought frantically,
there's got to be a way to work through this.

"I tricked him into drinking a Sleepwalker potion." That horrific grin
again. Reminiscent of an infant who'd just used the contents of its diaper
as fingerpaint, and wanted to show off its artwork. "I brewed it myself," he

Sleepwalker. Great. He *would* have been paying attention to that one, of
course. The stuff put most of the drinker's mind on hold, but they could
still respond to simple commands. "Well, at least he won't have any memory
of this unfortunate incident," Snape said, "I trust you at least gave it to
him *before* bringing him to my rooms?"

"Of course!" Draco looked offended.

"You'll forgive me if I decide you've abdicated any right to the benefit of
the doubt where matters of judgement are concerned. Now, stay there. I have
to clean up your little mess. Then I'll deal with *you*," he snarled. "Stand
and follow me," he told the drugged Potter boy. He led him into the
bathroom, smeared a quick-heal salve on his wounds (shallow as they were,
the first one was completely gone before he'd finished the last). He gave
the boy as thorough a bathing as he dared...the lad was truly fetching, and
he didn't want to get distracted at this point. Leading him back out of the
bathroom, he dressed him in one of his own nightshirts, and placed a small
vial in his hand; the antidote to the Sleepwalker potion. He silently
thanked whatever gods might be listening that it worked as well for the
standard version as for the more interesting variant *he* occasionally used.

"Now, listen to me, Harry. You're going to walk directly back to your room.
When you get there, you will drink the contents of this vial. You will
remember none of this. Now, go." The boy stumbled off. Snape re-locked the
door behind him.

Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed. Oh, some people just never learn!

"I believe I told you to stay where you were. You're provoking me
deliberately. If you mean that to be charming, I regret to tell you it's

"But I-"

"Deliberately disobeyed me, when you were in enough trouble already." Snape
pulled a length of soft, thick rope from a drawer. "Not to mention showing
up uninvited in my bedroom, with a so-called gift you'd spent
who-knows-how-long toying with yourself, in a manner you obviously have no
knowledge of. Even were I inclined to welcome such a gift, and as it happens
I am *not*," he shoved Draco off the bed and into a kneeling position, "what
would give you the idea that I'd be pleased to see you'd already unwrapped
it and started playing with it without me?" With a few practiced motions,
he'd bound the boy's wrists behind his back.

"I only-"

"Only failed to *think*, Malfoy, and that is not an attractive quality in
anyone. Now, if you would fail to speak, it would be an improvement." He
tied a knot in a bit of rope, pushed it into Draco's mouth, and tied it
firmly behind his head. "When you don't learn, it reflects badly on my
teaching abilities. Put bluntly, your idiocy makes me look bad. How do you
think that makes me feel?"

Draco could only blink up at him, an apprehensive expression seeping across
his face. This turned to outright fear as Snape reached under his bed and
came out with a rattan cane.

Pulling the boy roughly into a standing position, Snape pushed his face
against the bed, so he stood bent over. "I suppose old traditions must have
some merit," he mused, delivering a sharp smack across Draco's buttocks,
causing him to yelp behind the improvised gag.

Oh, yes. Oh, lovely.

Snape brought the cane down at a slow, not-quite-rhythmic pace, each blow
slightly harder than the first. The parallel stripes crossed the
almost-faded marks from his previous beating. At two blows, Draco was
keening, making rather a lot of noise despite the rope in his mouth. At
five, Snape was panting, not entirely from exertion. At eight, they were
both sweating, despite the slight chill of the room.

Nine. Draco had gone from keening to whimpering.

Ten, at precisely the spot where Draco's thighs merged into his ass. Snape
dropped the cane, and tried to bring his uneven breathing under control. He
could all but see Draco's pulse in the marks he'd left, and his cock
throbbed in time. He shove the boy back onto the floor (ignoring his muffled
moan at the impact on his injured butt) and shoved aside his garments,
stroking his cock roughly as Draco gazed at him, wide-eyed and hungry.

"You needn't stare at me like that," he grunted. "You think I'm going to
reward your antics?" His breathing was ragged as he pleasured himself
eagerly, feasting on the sight of Draco cowering at his feet. Too much, too
powerful. With a hoarse groan, he spattered the boy's face and hair with his
semen. Draco flinched.

"Don't pull a stunt like that again, Malfoy." He untied the boy's wrists,
opened the door and threw his clothes into the hall, and shoved him out
after them. "I mean it."

Draco stared as the door was slammed in his face. Stared at it for a long
moment, as he untied the gag and gathered up his clothes. "Oh, I don't know
about that," he whispered to himself.