Topic: articles
Jayson of USA Today tapped several blogs, at-home dad playgoups
members, myself. and the National Center for Fathering several weeks ago
looking for the perfect dad in the Maryland area. The search was tough as she
was looking for one of the 98,000 dads who
fit the definition of an at-home dad. Her frantic week-long search came up
with Michael Paranzino of Bethesda who writes his Full
Time Father Blog. He got the full USA Today treatment in today's
issue with a full
day interview profile, a photographer who tagged along for the day resulting
in a nice audio
gallery show complete with Mike's narration. A sidebar
was also added repeating the 98K number and comparing it to a staggering 5.4
million stay-at-home moms stat. She
threw in a quote from Yale researcher Kyle
Pruett who agreed that kids of at-home dads, feel loved, adored and
treasured but says at-home dads will always be a small segment.... .I
don't see us having mass societal shifts in that direction.... our society wants
men working hard and making lots of money. I agree to a point with
Pruett as dads who don't make a penny will probably remain scarce.. However you
can't ignore the increasing number dads who make a few bucks on ebay to
pay for the diapers.