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The Armchair Sportswriter

My name is Jason Friesen, the creator/editor/lone author of this new site. I anticipate that your first question is, "What is an 'Armchair Sportswriter'"? Well, quite simply, after reading and seeing many recreations of sporting events, I came to realize that so much of the "professional" media is simply garbage. They tend to base opinion on "statistics" and the like, instead of true observation of the game. So, with disgust in my heart, mind and soul alongside the philosophy that the typical "turning point" of a game rarely the winning play, but something that is innocuous to the casual sporting observer (and so-called experts), I decided to take this foray into webland in an attempt to present a daily (I hope!) deper glimpse into what is truly sport. In doing so, I hope to glean interesting morsels of :highlights" from any and all sports: not just the typical (i.e. "4 Majors" in North America), and not just the professional ranks. Also, if something unusual momentarily presents itself in a sport that I am not fond of, I will attempt to bring this to your attention as well, in the belief that hey, not everyone will share my disinterest in these sports! Furthermore, in an effort to discuss items which will NOT make your local sports highlight reels or the print media, one would have to look into a great many different activities, and levels of play in those activities. Again, I shall attempt to write daily on something that captures my intrigue in the world of sport. Sometimes, this will be difficult to achieve, which may cause some gaps in the chronology. Or it may require discourse on issues a bit more basic and ordinary than I would like. I also wish to apologize to all for sticking too much to a certain sport or topic line. This will be reflective of my own interests, of course, and also reflect on the novelties which present themselves. So, to finish the disclaimer I am a Canadian, living in a city without professional sport. I therefore have no "local bias" when discussing pro sports teams. I also have a passion for hockey (my first dialogue will speak to this), which may only be topped by the sport of Soccer ("Football" for those outside of North America). even without my "local bias," I pledge to try to never write about the teams I pull for. Perhaps this pledge will fall, but i will strive to accomplish it. Finally! If you have any moments you wish to see discussed, you have two choices: first, you can write your own piece, and send it to me. Or, you can bring it to my attention, and if I have some thoughts on it, i would try to cover it for you. Ta-ta for now! And always, Take care! J.
