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Blah Blah blah blah you put whatever you want here just remember to give credit to Magitek Designs

This layout features Chii from Chobits. Raison d'être is one of the Chobits ending themes, so I used it as a general theme for this design. ^_^ Raison d'être is French for "Reason of Being." (translated roughly XD) The line at the bottom of the layout "when you look at the stars, do you only see me?" is just something that popped into my head when I was looking at this picture, hehe.

You can add as much text as you want in here it won't come out the middle. also ou can use this as an intro page or a update page either way it works right?
you don't have to give me credit for anything except probally for finding the layout or creating your pages (not layout). Once your site is up maybe we can be sister sites ^_^



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