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Collectors Against Thor


News Alert!!! Check out the updates to the "NEWS," "Cover of the Month," and "Thor VS" sections of this site. Marvel did not, can not, and will not shut us down. Praise be to C.A.T.


C.A.T. was created for fans of Marvel comics who hate Thor, and there sure are a lot of them. Thor is the stupidest comic character ever to grace the pages of Marvel Comics. Thor was stolen from myths and legends, and that is where Thor should've stayed. We fans at Marvel are sick of Mjolnir, sick of Odin, and sick of Asgard. Even pronouncing Asgard makes you feel DIRTY!! Thor is a crappy, weak character, and should be banned from the Marvel Universe forever. Just make Thor disappear. Stranger things have happened in the Marvel Universe (like Thor being created). Thor was just an off day for Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (kinda like Jim Carrey in the Cable Guy). We forgive them, but we can't forgive those who like Thor. The end is near Thor, and you best Gard your As (get it, Asgard - Gard As). To all that hate Thor, We at C.A.T. salute you, and to those who like Thor..........we pity thine self by Odin.


Anti-Thor News
The most late breaking news for the Anti-Thor enthusiast.

Thor Vs.
Each month we examine what would happen if Thor battled different people.


Visit the Cover of the Month


Sign this guestbook and declare your hatred for the All-Crappy Thor. If we get enough signatures that show hatred for Thor, maybe we can eliminate Thor from the Marvel Universe.


Vote for the worst comic book character of all time



E-mail C.A.T with any questions at

Thor and all characters on this page are property of Marvel Comics inc. C.A.T. in no way owns the rights to Thor. If we did, we would have destroyed him by now.

Anti-Thor Links

If this site offends you, you can go here to talk to other offended people.