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Zach's Character & Story Co.
The Realms

Fur Tales

Zachary's Character Co. and Ability List

The Forums



Welcome to my Den.

Photobucket Situation

Let me introduce myself, I am Zachary Quinlan aka Zaku Fox or Ace and this is my new website. Here you will find a wide variety of stories, short stories, character profiles (Some with pictures, some with descriptions) and possible journaling to tell you about my days in Saint Louis and how life treats me at times. Not to get sympathy but to share my life with you, the viewers.

Let me tell you abit about myself, I am a 6'2 18 year old multiracial male who has been with the furry fandom for about three years. Did I mention I'm a fur? Guess not and I am also a homosexual oooo, scary. I am not like others. Espeacially with looks. I am a heavyset guy who carries himself well and I will post a picture of myself sooner or later to show you what I look like. But being a fur, I do have a fursona. Originally I was a fox, now I am a half breed to reflect my crossed race and personality. I in real life am black and white, to reflect this I picked to mix polar bear and fox as my primary character that is not only named after me but designed 100% after me. The fox part is more to reflect my calm, sometimes cute, and rather submissive personality.

But even I am not perfect we all have our defects. But to you my viewers I hope you enjoy most of this site to your advantage and as time goes on more pictures will be added to profiles, I will try to obtain fan art, and well... Just hope for the best I guess.

Abit about this site? My stories revolve around my characters and events that have happened in Texted based RP or made up events that reflect their lives such as my character Blake and his life in the future which is not related to any RP except one. I feel that whatever happens in RP's can and should be reflected weather the other typist approves or not, this means you Silver Lone Wolf! Anyways, enjoy yourselves.