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*~* Wa'trecia Audio's ~*~

Hi! Wassup Everyone! School Just started back and it's crazy! I love going to school but juggling my career and juggling school is very hard! But i'm doing my thang like always. I'm always strong and willing to go further and let nothing hold me back! So whatever comes near i'll attack it like a wild dog! It's always gonna be my passion to sing but my knowledge i need always so school is very important to me, for everyone out there stay in school you will never go anywhere if you don't stay in school! I added new audio so check it out and make sure to vote below, i always like to know what people think. Love You All,Wa'trecia

~Need A Resolution~ By Aaliyah
~He loves u not~~By Dream
~This is me~~ By Dream
~Get Over Yourself~~By Eden's Crush

Well E-mail your fave songs and maybe i could just put the song on my site!

Make sure to Vote!

You Can make a link to this site!