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Welcome to Starbase Vector Sigma

The Best Sites to Visit on the Web

Welcome to Rogue Pages
The Redbird Connection
The Sirian Embassy Library
The Gateway to Adventure
the Inspector General's Journal
The Shaolin Apothecary
The Cerebro Files
The Anla'Shok Reading Room

This link will lead you to the fiction.
Please feel free to read them and download them as long as you do not alter them. You can also add this page to your list of links if you so desire.

This link will lead you to a synopsis page for my entire fan fiction collection. Please feel free to read anything else that might be of interest to you.

This site will house miscellaneous fandoms that have no home page of their own. If you like these, let me know so I can write more and add to them. Basically, these are one-shot deals that will possibly never have sequels.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
