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Researching Your Own Truth

"Political image is like mixing cement. When it's wet, you can move it around and shape it, but at some point it hardens and there's almost nothing you can do to reshape it.."

-Walter F. Mondale-

Presidential Remarks
Political Parties Views
Republican Agenda
Democratic Agenda
Liberal Agenda
Election Candidates 2008
Peaceful Or Terrorist
Iraqi News
Soldier's Message
Explaining the Quran
1st Stryker BDE Photos
Intelligent Design
American Economy
Oil Crunch
Rebuild New Orleans
Research Links
Fair & Balanced News
Johnny Skeptic
Evolution Ideology
Racism Defined
"J.F.K Address"
"Black Unity"
Explaining Philosophy
Explaining Dreams
Explaining U.F.O.
Voices of Iraq

The website has been designed to educate those who our uneducated in certain topics. Some Paltalkies seem to think that they can rape the mic with whatever nonsense in which they were raised to believe as children. I created and update this website to educate even myself on hidden truth in which we tend not to see. Anyone who has ever debated knows that you must be knowledgable on both sides of a topic to be able to have a bit of sense and debate amongst others. So I challenge all of you who visit to add your own links that allow you to come with your own views on every diverse topic and to continue schooling yourself to be wiser then those who speak about the beliefs of someone else.