Some of the coolest sites on the net

Check these sites out they kick ass. some aren't for the weak at heart.


some cool sites

cool t-shirt store
best place to go when you're high
Sindistry (one of our local bands that kicks ass)
free phone long distance
Good collection of guitar and bass tabs
Mancow Muller
Operation Just Cause
Blame Canada
Eminem Must Die
Joe Cartoon
Video Game Movies (very funny)
Wrestling Megasite (full of pics)
The Onion Newspaper
Shoot The Stupid

Could-be offensive sites you be the judge.

MUR (take the test and spread the word)
Newgrounds (home of Pico)
Real advice from the differently abled
pics of dead people and mugshots of celebrities
some cool ass t-shirts
College Humor
redneck magic beer