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  Welcome to NOISE! the Nation-Wide alternative media newspaper made by high schoolers for high schoolers. We are currently looking for writers, distributors, etc. to work on our newspaper.

  NOISE! is a division of The New Noise, a group of concerned people fighting for change in todays society. But NOISE! is an active campaign of TheNewNoise advocating non-violent revolution within the youth community to enact changes in education, government, and society.

  In order for things to get rolling, we need YOUth to help out by distributing the paper at their own local high schools. Email me with questions, or if you want to distribute!

The Rest of the Site

Distributors of Noise!u4.6.00
Other groups for YOUthu4.6.00
Issues of Noise!u4.6.00
More about Noise! (incomplete)u4.6.00

Email the Noise!: Daniel(Rabiddog)

Noise! Since 3.28.2000, Updated 4.6.00
Email TheNewNoise: