A day on the town....a pictorial

Recently out of mediocre boredom I ventured out into the town armed with a disposable kodak advantage camera...my goal....if possible was to find stupidity....or silliness....or normal things that I will say silly things and make the things previously things mentioned quite silly...so....here we go!

1995 honda civic ex
Here we have my means of transportation, my good ole dependable honda civic ex....love this car...and if it were legal in illinois i would.......uh...er..anyways. within this car came all the photos you are about to feast your eyes upon so wantingly..and lustfully...and whatnot.

so simple so...silly
Well then this is one of my first examples or silly things in my town...Just a normal everyday billboard dealy...however with a simple little message..."thou shalt not lie"....what is this for you ask?....Hell if I know, I don't believe it is for any special organization or buisness....just a simple little message someone felt like conveying...and moreso... don't lie about what...it is soooo vague, I mean come on people give us a bit of an idea...does anyone else find this the least bit amusing?

when good cones go bad
O.k. this is kind of hard to see in the picture let me give you a story version...These ordinary looking traffic cones apparently have just had too much with the indecent road construction of north 24th street. Obviously I was shocked to see this flock of traffic cones headed toward this tavern type atmospheric place...I mean look at this wild heard...you should have seen them when they crossed the street, all yelling and cars and flipping them off...one cone I believe the one in the middle even mooned a school bus. What kind of pressures drive these unruly traffic cones to such horendous behaviour.....most likely eskimoes. Anyways, beware of such packs of traffic cones meandering aimlessly in a drunken stupor....do not approach them or they may tap an your knees ominently violently.

oh my gentle jesus!
while passing a shopping mall here in town I was simply amazed...I mean my god look how big of a transportation device this pair of shoes need! I mean my God these must be the largest shoes on earth...who could possible want such shoes so big...is it somekind of a plot to create gargantuan socks...which could be double as giant potato sacks that would obviously be used to steal idaho's potato prospects..of course not...but my god these are some big shoes!!!

mean machines scare me
I was driving minding my own business.....well I don't really have an actual buisness when I drive, I mean unless I was serving as some kind of taxi I suppose i would have a business...anyways, I was driving..minding my own non-buisness oriented affairs, when suddenly i was almost run off the road by this armored tank....yeah ....an armored tank, in the road. Natuarally my honda civic took the hard blow of the tank without a scratch, however it intimidated me enough to pull to the side of the road and get a quick shot of the perpetrating vehicle....If you have any information on the driver of this tank call 1-800-pissoff.

this modified dodge neon spit fire at me and farted lighting bolts.....but when I went to take the picture it pretended to be a normal car....bastard.

this man is a god
Here is a picture of Yanni.

ahhhh...teetor tottering!
God forbid I ever see the horrid events shown on this sign ....I really don't know what I'd do if I saw this teetor totting occuring in front of my very eyes. I am so thankful that a sign tells me where not to be if ever such teetortottering occurs at, I remeber back in 'nam when "charlie" was all over the place, we let loose with several rounds, but were captured and forces to teetortotter painstakingly for days, if not for the giant zebras we might stiff be there...I'm sorry I'm a bit teary eyed now...please move on.

This space available for lease

In this photo there was a total eclipse...unfortunately...I say this because the contents of this photo would without a doubt singlehandedly changed the whole spectrum of the ever exciting world of Dentistry.

Well that's it...there's more odd pictures, but frankly I don't really feel like scanning them in on the computer, so screw it maybe later, hope you like, if you want more let me know...if not, go back to existing.


Now get on back to the ponderplace!!!