...Seriously though

The following are my serious views and pondering upon different things, even the meaning of life, I don't ask you to accept anything I say, just read and move on, enjoy.

As each day passes I see the same things, people searching for something. What are we looking for exactly? I've never once seen a person who wasn't searching for something. It could be a search for happiness...a search for love...a search for a god....a search for understanding...or even something as simple as looking for your car key's. Could life exist without a continued varying search. Is Life nothing more then a constant everchanging scavenger hunt? Think about it when you are first born you search for understanding in basic life..the simple things that now seem insignificant. Teenagers search for understanding amongst peers, and acceptance in society. After that the search brodens to a search for happiness, perhaps wealth, perhaps god. When one grows old the search for the health they've always had that now diminishes, or perhaps those pesimistic search for death to take them away from all their searching. From a religious viewpoint, heaven is the place where all good is to be found..love happiness..eternal life. Hell being the place of damnation and of unrest. When one dies, perhaps their search comes to an end. What about aetheists though...in death, if a state occurs after it, what would be their finding...would in be a continued search ,a search for well...just something, anything really. Would the concept of reincarnation come into play..to search life all over again, perhaps to lean towards a non-aetheistic view? Is life just a big cirle with life death and partial reincarnation to relive the life to where nothing was found. Is the meaning of life to search for something greater then you, everyday wants, desires, life needs? Perhaps it is greater then any relious findings. Could life exist in a totall content state, where the soul stops looking for more, where totall fullfilment has been established? I don't know. And if their is something greater then a heaven/hell journey one looks for, what could that possibly be? Try to find a time where you are not subconsiously searching for something. A time like this is bound to lie few and far between. Search on..for something.

How does a aetheist percieve Satan. Is satan a non-existent being such as god. Do they fear satan? if they do fear satan, i find it impossible to believe they do not believe in a god. Are many aetheists really non-believing, or do they just not like God. It is one thing to not believe in heaven..a place where all is good. However, to not believe in hell would seem to be a definate gamble. How strong is your faith in nothing? Is it stronger then the belief that if there is a God and you refuse to acknowledge it, you will go to hell? This makes me curious as to exactly how many true aetheists really exist compared to those who hold god responsible for something. And is god represented by good things, and satan being all bad? Is it possible to believe in Satan without believing in God? Can there ever be good without evil? Do not misunderstand me, I write not to criticize personal beliefs, I have the utmost respect for any religious or aetheist views, I just have questions to the logic of some things.

Lately I have been somewhat intrigued my the religions, and customs of the orient. After researching Taoism, I find it very interesting, regardless, one night I spent close to an hour watching the flame of a candle. Upon my studying I learned..or proposed several things. Number one we are much like fire. When a breeze catches fire the flame moves. Much as we as humans do when a problem or evil finds us in it's midst. If the fire cannot move/dance to avoid being put out, it will be no more. Much like us, if we can not change with our enviornment and within ourselves, we will be like the fire and die. I also notice that candle that fire's heat comes directly above the flame, you can essentially hold the flame on the sides with your fingers and no heat or pain wil be felt, however holding your hand even a foot above the flame and you will feel much heat. The heat and power of the flame rise upwards, this is also the case with smoke when the fire is extinguished. Perhaps this is a representation of our souls leaving our bodies, after death, that is if you believe in that aspect. Deny us oxygen we will die, the same will occur with fire. A flame stands calm with no wind, such do we when all in our life is tranquill, however when disturbes the flame may become vicious, such as we do at times. Other things about fire alone are: the flame almost has a life force to it, if you light the candle quickly after it has been extinguished, it will quickly flare back up, almost like it holds out before dying..waiting for the slightest chance that it will avoid it's "death" . The rough shape of a flame is triangular three sides, this coincides with the christian view of the holy trinity. a triangle also presents a power to it, the base rising to one point, high above the rest. Upon studying the flame I visualized the flame and tried to imagine myself as the flame, a triangular position with my arms, and what not, I know this probably sounds crazy, and it may be, but it was odd the more I anaylized the flame the more it began to build questions and possible answers to those questions. Is fire really evil? man discovered fire, fired did not enthrall man, in this terms of logic, shouldn't man be able to control fire, if all of this is true, is there a bond between man and fire? Probably not, however many questions may arise..to me anyways.

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